Best 26 quotes in «left alone quotes» category

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    Some things are best left alone. Such as interfering in things which are beyond our powers.

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    To be left alone, and face to face with my own crime, had been just retribution.

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    The unconscious mind writes poetry if it's left alone.

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    The peasant wants only to be left alone to prosper in peace.

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    Well, being the youngest child and frail, I was left alone a great deal of the time.

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    As I get older I'm more and more comfortable being alone.

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    To have her meals, and her daily walk, and her fill of novels, and to be left alone, was all that she asked of the gods.

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    Whilst you are prosperous you can number many friends; but when the storm comes you are left alone.

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    I didn’t say anything; I could find no words that would express the swirled chaos of emotions inside me. So I just watched him go right out the door.

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    Well, that was the end of me, the real end. Two pound ten every Tuesday and a room of the Gray's Inn Road. Saved, rescued and with my place to hide in - what more did I want? I crept in and hid. The lid of the coffin shut down with a bang. Now I no longer wish to be loved, beautiful, happy or successful. I want one thing and one thing only - to be left alone. No more pawings, no more pryings - leave me alone.

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    When left alone, quantum particles behave as multiple images of themselves (as waves, really), simultaneously moving through all possible paths in space and time. Now, again, why do we not experience this multitude around ourselves? Is it because we are probing things around us all the time? Why do all experiments that involve, say, the position of a particle make the particle suddenly be somewhere rather than everywhere? No one knows. Before you probe it, a particle is a wave of possibilities. After you've probed it, it is somewhere, and subsequently it is somewhere for ever, rather than everywhere again. Strange, that. Nothing, within the laws of quantum physics, allows for such a collapse to happen. It is an experimental mystery and a theoretical one. Quantum physics stipulates that whenever something is there, it can transform into something else, of course, but it cannot disappear. And since quantum physics allows for multiple possibilities simultaneously, these possibilities should then keep existing, even after a measurement is made. But they don't. Every possibility but one vanishes. We do not see any of the others around us. We live in a classical world, where everything is based on quantum laws but nothing resembles the quantum world.

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    If you couldn't be loved, the next best thing was to be left alone.

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    She closed her heart As tight as Noah's ark So nothing could get in or out I forgot where we begin So she let it all end And left our love alone in the dark

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    We'll see you through, Martin," said Antonia . . . "So do not be guilty or worried, darling Martin." "I won't be guilty or worried, I'll be raving mad," I said. "I don't want you to see me through. I want to be left alone by both of you at long last.

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    Both my husband and I give a lot of ourselves in what we do because that is our public lives but in my private life, I have an intrinsic right to be left alone.

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    I know nothing of the science of astrology and I consider it to be a science, if it is a science, of doubtful value, to be severely left alone by those who have any faith in Providence.

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    Eventually I knew what hair wanted; it wanted to be itself ... to be left alone by anyone, including me, who did not love it as it was.

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    I am holed up in a small village where I am doing my own work and it feels great. I have a small gallery and not many people find me, but I am happy being left alone and doing what I love.

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    I need some isolation, it's necessary to me, that's just who I am. I need to be left alone.

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    I have a responsibility to nurture and shepherd my talent and when I'm living the parts of my life not related to that I feel I have the right to be left alone.

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    I've always been more afraid of being left alone or left out than of things that go bump in the night.

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    I wanted to be left alone to live my life, so it was very easy for people to pretend that they were me.

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    Left alone, human beings are a plague. They multiply relentlessly, consuming every resource, destroying everything they touch.

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    Left alone with the dial tone...excuse me, operator, why is no one listening?

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    I love the solitude of being on a plane and finally getting to read an entire book and being left alone.

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    It's a spooky thing to be left alone inside an angry innerverse.