Best 42 quotes of Eric Overby on MyQuotes

Eric Overby

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    Eric Overby

    All of Her She shows me all of her insecure places And I kiss them until she knows They are beautiful. No dark places To hide in which love Doesn't shower her with acceptance.

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    Eric Overby

    Anger arises, Notice it, breathe in, breathe out, Anger falls away Worry arises, Notice it, breathe in, breathe out, Worry falls away As peace arises, Notice it, breathe in, breathe out, Peace too falls away

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    Eric Overby

    Art is that which helps you see beauty in the mundane... Let my life be a work of art.

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    Eric Overby

    Be on pilgrimage To a place that's undefined, Destinationless

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    Eric Overby

    Be present to the people in front of you from moment to moment. Electronics and technology have a way of clouding our vision for the people sitting next to us. Uncloud your life, look around. Be present.

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    Eric Overby

    By marriage I am asking you to help me become a better version of myself, while still loving me every moment along the way. Continuing what you’ve been doing already and I am vowing to do the same.

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    Eric Overby

    Coffee in the dawn With books open like our hearts, Our weekend ritual

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    Eric Overby

    Do you ever miss me? The way we held each other close, What about our history? Have you blocked out the memory Of the things that meant the most?

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    Eric Overby

    Easter Contemplations It does not concern me If this life is all I have. I do not need a resurrection Or reincarnation Or to live with the gods. It is enough to live With you here In the days of your presence. When my breathes Are complete, Lay me by your side In the dust. As in life, so in death. Let us become one With each other again.

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    Eric Overby

    I laid down my faith, Now life makes more sense to me, Traveling lighter

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    Eric Overby

    I lay next to her, The sound of her breathing fills The room and my heart

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    Eric Overby

    I’m talking to the only one who’ll listen About the lonely nights and all that I’m missin Haven’t seen you lately but I heard your doin fine I’m In between two places Where my words didn’t come to you in time

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    Eric Overby

    I’m walking out in the rain again Pains the same as it’s always been Lungs full of smoke from my cigarette And my heart breaks with every step, But only a little bit Walking away from myself, not getting far Wondering if it’s you I see in each passing car

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    Eric Overby

    I once took all my journals from 3 years and burned them in a fire. Alone, watching the past disintegrate reminded me of life and time. The present is all I had. Time slowly burning away each moment.

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    Eric Overby

    I sung that I knew you before The time I saw your face The green eternity in your eyes Made time feel misplaced Your dress was the color of wine And I was drunk off the taste I sang my heart into the night I knew you felt the same way

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    Eric Overby

    It is the constant changing character of our life together that I embrace. We have come a long way; knowing each other now in ways that we did not before.

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    Eric Overby

    It's hard to tell where It is that I end And you begin, synergy

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    Eric Overby

    It’s the simple things in your life that make up the bulk of it. The mundane is where we live and we end up missing most of it. We find it again in the silence and in attention of everyday life.

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    Eric Overby

    It takes me living an intentional, mindful, and quiet life to hear or see what’s here. Great art doesn’t necessarily create something new, it helps you appreciate what’s already here.

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    Eric Overby

    Looking For Gold I'm looking for the gold in this life A love so rare It's doesn't have a price Not living for the future No heaven, no hell, no paradise And I'm giving it all away now, Cause you can't step In the same river twice

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    Eric Overby

    Meditation is The practice of letting go Of life each moment Each in breath followed by out, Receiving life, letting go Practice letting go, Then when death knocks on your door You’ll invite him in

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    Eric Overby

    Morning Meditation I used to rise early in meditation, As the ancient saints and mystics, Looking for peace, bliss, and ecstasy. Now I awake as the sun rises. I lie beside her, Her head and the tops of her shoulders Revealed from the top of the covers Where we lay. Her face shines, As the sun rolls through the bedroom Curtains and leave her with a mandorla As if she were the subject of iconography. I lay in silence as I meditate on the artistry Of freckles that are perfectly dotted On her face and shoulders. I venerate the delicate curvature Of her lips and nose. Her eyes closed, Veiled by a composition of lashes That shroud the green mystery underneath. As her hair lays dark and graceful Across the pillows in front of me, I lay in adoration, and know there are none like her. Moses was not even shown God's face, Yet she has done me one better.

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    Eric Overby

    My ears filled with sounds Of the paddling of canoes My feet filled with the dampness Of the early morning dew My eyes filled with the road ahead And all that comes into view My minds filled with thoughts That remind me of you

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    Eric Overby

    My past is being burnt down I've shown you the ash Is it me, or are we more than just friends now? I have to ask.

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    Eric Overby

    No amount of words, No haiku, poem, or novel, Can tell of our love

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    Eric Overby

    Now is the only moment I will ever have. I want to spend the rest of my nows beside you.

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    Eric Overby

    ...our imagination, like stars, Hint at something in the distance. I don't know where we will be But we will light up the darkness together, When our imagination and the present Become one.

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    Eric Overby

    Possessions Live in peace and be free. When possessions own your heart, You are enslaved to money and to corporations. Your time is owned by the moneylenders And they will not let you spend it freely. They will tell you what to buy, but not What it will truly cost you. You will be held ransom. What is your heart worth? What about your time? What holds your heart, holds your attention. What holds your attention, holds your time. What holds your time, holds your life. And if it's possessions that holds these things, It will demand it all.

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    Eric Overby

    Renga with Katie There's no better place Than in each moment with you Traveling through life Regardless of place and time, Or seasons and location, I never look back To a time without you there And wish to return We are each other's constant In an ever changing world On a pilgrimage To no place particular, Destinationless Each moment we're arriving At another sacred place Appreciating, Remembering life before You opened my eyes It's both vivid and soothing Like I'd never had vision Now I see the way, As we travel together The fog is lifted Each sight reveals each other Each step reveals another

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    Eric Overby

    Screens make me discontented With where I am. There is always Something else or somewhere else. People talk and I am absent.

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    Eric Overby

    She closed her heart As tight as Noah's ark So nothing could get in or out I forgot where we begin So she let it all end And left our love alone in the dark

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    Eric Overby

    She tells stories of working beside her father, cleaning out fence rows with his sling blade and hoe. Her stories help me to see, as we work together, that history is being made as it gets told. Passed on as it passes by.

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    Eric Overby

    Should I even write? I have written before and later regretted what was put to paper. I will write, but do not hold to me it. I am a man, a sojourner, on a journey of discovery and change.

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    Eric Overby

    Someone grabbed his coat Again, he stops his journey To be there with her

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    Eric Overby

    That night I said, “I love you” There was no Plan B, Only us and forever

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    Eric Overby

    The Accounting of Love and Hospitality - Sermon on the Account Do enough for others that it's impossible For them to keep accounts Of what they owe you Or what you've done. Lose the account yourself, Expect nothing in return. Make a habit of giving things away. Pay for other people's meal, Friends and strangers. Keep no accounts on that either. Take what is offered to you, But expect or demand nothing. Tell the people in your life That you appreciate them As often as you can. There may be a day when you can't. Tell your kids and spouse that you love them, Often and every night. Remind yourself What it is you love about them. Look for ways to be kind and helpful, There are plenty to find. Do things without telling others You've done them. Don't even remind yourself. Do acts of kindness, then let them go. Live a life without clinging to expectations About who you should be. Your friends and family will change, Everything does, you will. Life has a lot of additions and subtraction; Change is inevitable. Spend time mindfully changing yourself Towards kindness and patience. At the end of your life, Which could be any moment, Let the ones that knew you Have lived a better life because you were there. Let your accounts be settled And forgive other people's.

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    Eric Overby

    The Poem About Taking out the Trash In the vast emptiness of darkness, Stars are being born and are burning out; Galaxies expand, into what I have no idea, And dark matter fills the infinite space That has no bounds and no limits. In the middle of all this, I stand In a single moment and know how small I am. A group of atoms, the size of nothing in comparison. I am the observer of the play on a tiny stage. The onlooker who watches the painting Of a picture that few stop to see. The listener of a song where I hear only a fraction Of a fraction of a note in a song that will be forever sung And that has been being sung for eternity upon eternity, Before I knew breath and sound. I am but dust, stardust, a breath of a life, smoke Rising into oblivion, here then gone as quickly. Under all of this, I take out the trash.

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    Eric Overby

    Thoughts arise in mind, Watch them pass over like clouds, Then they fall away

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    Eric Overby

    Unnoticed There's a winter wren in Alaska No man has laid eyes on her beauty She sings in the spruce pine where she lives No man has heard her song She flies down to gather a twig for her home No man has built her a house She comes upon a bite to eat A worm has a misfortunate morning No man has thrown seed for her food Overhead clouds cast a shadow in the dawn She returns home No man has noticed

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    Eric Overby

    We are just a few atoms In the vast universe, stardust, Yet who can measure the sum Of two lovers and what's between us

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    Eric Overby

    What is it that is so interesting about what's happening everywhere else but where you are?

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    Eric Overby

    What is your peace worth? At what cost will you lose it? - Internal questions