Best 10 quotes in «coming together quotes» category

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    The things you’ve done and the things you’ve said; the fists you’ve raised and the bruises you’ve kissed, everything has finally come together and will now stay together.

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    As we disagree with each other, we learn more about each other, and more and more people are coming together.

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    For me, the nomination of Barack Obama as a candidate for president and his inauguration in Washington represents a brief glimpse at the power and potential of peace. There was a radiance about America then, a great coming together of so many people, races, generations, and beliefs. For one brief moment in our history, we found a way to put down our strife against one another. For a few days, weeks, and months all the false reasons we use daily to look down on others, to separate ourselves from one another, fell away, and we opened our hearts to the kind of equality that our founders envisioned but did not have the courage to create. In that moment we decided to face the truth of our oneness with one another, and when we did we experienced the beauty of peace.

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    I was coming together... limb by limb, after being broken for an infinity.

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    Let my silence grow with noise as pregnant mothers grow with life. Let my silence permeate these walls as sunlight permeates a home. Let the silence rise from unwatered graves and craters left by bombs. Let the silence rise from empty bellies and surge from broken hearts. The silence of the hidden and forgotten. The silence of the abused and tortured. The silence of the persecuted and imprisoned. The silence of the hanged and massacred. Loud as all the sounds can be, let my silence be loud so the hungry may eat my words and the poor may wear my words. Loud as all the sounds can be, let my silence be loud so I may resurrect the dead and give voice to the oppressed. My silence speaks.

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    Love makes life better.

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    …Then it hits me. Maybe we’re the pieces, What? Maybe that’s it. With what you were talking about before. The world being broken. Maybe it isn’t that we’re supposed to find the pieces and put them back together. Maybe we’re the pieces. Maybe, what we’re supposed to do is come together. That’s how we stop the breaking. Tikkun olam.

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    The future of humanity is that it will come together in Love. This isn't just the most likely outcome — it is inevitable. For humanity is Love personified. The will of Love, then, will naturally define our collective destiny as it was always meant to be, Ab initio.

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    We are all lost, so lost, vulnerable and insecure. We are separated from love at birth, we are separated from God, from each other. All we want, all we yearn for is to connect.

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    We had grown into one another somewhere along the way. We were officially a team.