Best 94 quotes in «looking back quotes» category

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    While people brood, time skips ahead without looking back.

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    When looking back, usually I'm more sorry for the things I didn't do than for the things I shouldn't have done.

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    You can't look back; you have to keep looking forward.

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    When you reach 95, after you get over your surprise, you start looking back.

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    All those practice fights when it was just us, two children pretending to be soldiers. Or two soldiers pretending to be children.

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    Already my childhood seemed far away—a remote age, faded and bittersweet, like dried flowers. Did I regret its loss, did I want it back? I didn't think so.

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    Amazing what more we can see looking back. But God didn't give us eyes in the back of our heads. Our eyes, like our feet, face forward, toward the future.

    • looking back quotes
  • By Anonym you ever know a moment is important as it's happening, or is it only when you look back that you can see your life is changed?

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    Do you think the memory of someone should dictate how we live going forward?' he asks, threading and unthreading his fingers together. 'It depends,' I say. 'I think you can probably honor someone's memory, but you can't live for them, because that means living in the past.

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    Every moment is precious, even the ones behind me that I often reflect upon with a reserved smile. However…I seldom look back, only forward in anticipation of the next greater now.

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    experience was not yet my friend

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    Forget the past, it's gone, but glance back occasionally to remind yourself where you came from and where you are going.

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    He acts like he’s in one of those Hollywood movies where after spending a couple of weeks with the natives in a remote Amazonian village, the white explorer is already debating the nature of the universe with the Chief in passable lingo. Except that in the movie, he ends up shagging the prize virgin whose body looks as if the jungle is really just a spa. What he doesn’t know is that ten years down the road, she will wind up looking like all the other women in the village: saggy tits, rotten teeth, and about as supple as a mother of eight can be.

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    He knew very well that his memory detested him, that it did nothing but slander him; therefore he tried not to believe it and to be more lenient toward his own life. But that didn't help: he took no pleasure in looking back, and he did it as seldom as possible.

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    Wow. When he started looking back on the war with Kronos as the good old days--that was sad.

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    But it is perhaps not such a good idea to look back — all the stories say so. Look what happened to Lot's wife. Best not to look back. Best to believe there will be happily ever afters all the way around — and so there may be; who is to say there will not be such endings?

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    Don't spend your life wondering "what if" and worrying over something you have no control. What's done is done. Looking backwards will cause you to miss out on new blessings ahead. Move on.

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    Fantasies... who needs fantasies? I have memories.

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    Founders never leave our memories for they leave indelible footprints on our minds. They give us the reasons to look back and ponder. They give us the reasons to look forward with the hope and aspirations to beating their footprints of distinctiveness. Their mistakes are our lessons and the reasons to reason.

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    I assumed that looking back reminded older guys of what they had shot at and missed, the what-ifs, the good memories, the bad, the people left behind, the people who moved on.

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    If there was anyone ma-porma during the Fil-American War, it was Heneral Goyo.

    • looking back quotes
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    I know I'll miss her every single day, but the memories she left won't haunt me anymore. I'll remember the girl who never wore shoes, and our blood promise to always be friends. I'll remember girls who loved and trusted each other, protected each other, and sometimes even hurt each other. I'll remember a friendship that will never go away.

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    In every man’s life there are moments where looking to the past may ruin the future and in those moments walking forward without looking back is the best thing one can ever do!

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    I think back to this moment sometimes now, look back at that person I was, months before I couldn't unknow what had happened.

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    It isn't as important to feel great about all the things we do. But how we feel toward the end when we look back at everything we've done.

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    It's funny. Looking back, none of it seems to matter now, those moments of yearning, craving to belong with people I thought mattered. No more fragments of glass, pieces of a broken mirror you can't put back together and wouldn't want to even if you could.

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    It was more than disappointment, but I gained from it. I learned from it. I leaned into it to step out of it. You learn from different perspectives and to be given the chance to grasp them is beautiful.

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    I've never looked forward before. I've always looked back. I think about the past way too much and I think about what I should have done and everything I did wrong and I've never once looked forward in my life.

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    I've learned that God sometimes allows us to find ourselves in a place where we want something so bad that we can't see past it. Sometimes we can't even see God because of it. When we want something so bad, it's easy to mistake what we truly need for the thing we really want. When this sort of thing happens, and it seems to happen to everyone, I've found it's because what God has for us is obscured from view, just around another bend in the road. In the Bible, the people following God had the same problem I did. They swapped the real thing for an image of the real thing. We target the wrong thing and our misdirected life's goal ends up looking like a girl or a wide-brimmed hat or a golden calf. All along, what God really wants for us is something much different, something more tailored for us. [...] And when each of us looks back at all the turns and folds God has allowed in our lives, I don't think it looks like a series of folded-overs that have shaped our lives. Instead I think we'll conclude in the end that maybe we're all a little like human origami and the more creases we have, the better.

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    Live & Do everything in such a way so that if you look back in time, you shouldn't say that if had a time machine i would've done it better.

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    Ich habe vor langer Zeit gelernt, dass "was wäre, wenn…" ein gefährliches Spiel ist.

    • looking back quotes
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    Looking back and wondering if it could have worked eventually hurts more than trying and failing.

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    ...make your children unhappy so they can face the world, but then, what is a world without children's laughter?

    • looking back quotes
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    Mattie was a grown woman in love, and they had to let her go, with their blessing, enduring what could not be helped. And there was no use in thinking of that fluid, glistening instant that always seems, in looking back, to have come between what might have happened and what happened, when one might have made some little choice that would have changed forever the course of things.

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    Never back, never back!... People don’t like going back, even if they must. I don’t like going back! And I’m not people! But I look back, sometimes, every so often, just to make sure I’m not leaving anything important behind. Like my tail! I can never be sure when I leave my tail behind me by mistake.

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    One of those fights that we'd been having a lot round about then. I thought they were all her fault. She seemed to think they were all mine.

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    Of course, my dear, I cannot, how could I, altogether regret what has happened.

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    One of the most positive things that has come of that communication is I have been able to see how much I have grown. When I listened to them tell me things they saw in me back then I was amazed. I didn't see those things then. Not at all. And I can see them today.

    • looking back quotes
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    Reading all my old love letters was disorienting. You remember thinking the thoughts and writing the words but, man, you can't TOUCH those feelings. Its like they belonged to someone else. Someone you don't even know. I'm aware, in an intellectual way. That I felt all those things about him, but this emotions are far away now. What's so strange to me is that I can't even force my heart back to that place where I felt that all consuming passion. That makes me feel distant from myself. Who WAS I then? Will I ever be able to get back to that place? Reading the letters again made me wonder: Which is the real me? The one who saw the world in that emotionally saturated way, or the me who sees it the way I do now?

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    Perhaps the echoes of people we once loved still linger in the places we frequented with them and that is why we go back… Not so much to remember them as to feel them…

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    Some day you will look back on these days as the happiest of your life. You will forget your financial struggles. You will forget the unfair division of duties. You will forget feeling trapped and smothered, imagining that you are in a loveless marriage. You will only remember the joy of a young family, working together making your way through an unfamiliar world. Appreciate what you have now. pg vi

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    These Filipinos will be your worst enemies if you commit the imprudence of attacking the Spaniards without the necessary preparation.

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    Some memories were all right, but others were dangerous.

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    Sometimes I really can't express how much I feel, but I can tell for a fact that some past years have been a victorious rollercoaster ride with God in it. Some days colourful, some days black and white, some days faith bigger than a mustard seed, other days I'm filled with blind doubt about what tomorrow holds. But in all of this, I'm beautifully me and constantly running the race through the father's grace

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    Sometimes you look around the world, to see the dazzling walls and showering fountains of it, and feel like that today is the end and beginning at the same time. That's the moment you discover something new of yourself. That's love, cause and life.

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    Stories about lives remembered bring us backward while allowing us to move forward.

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    Tại sao chúng ta cứ hướng về quá khứ? Có lần Karin đã bảo tôi rằng, đó là bản năng của con người. Con người là sinh vật không thể không ngoái lại phía sau. Cảm xúc "nhớ nhung" cũng đồng nghĩa với việc kiếm tìm "thời gian" xưa cũ. Yêu mọi khoảnh khắc, quý trọng cuộc đời, những ý nghĩ đó tạo nên "giấc mơ", và giấc mơ ấy là thế giới mà những người ta yêu đang sống.

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    The answers hardly seemed of consequence. Not much did. I thought of the things that had happened to me over the years, and of how little I had made happen.

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    The best way to look back at life fondly is to meet it - and those along your journey - warmly, kindly and mindfully

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    The only reason time seems to be moving rather fast is that sometimes we’re too busy living in the past.