Best 13 quotes in «pisces quotes» category

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    Fact. Pisces is THE most wobbly sign of the Zodiac.

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    Being a typical Pisces, I might have experienced mood shifts, but I don't remember any depression, or needing to do anything, or to have someone bring me out of being depressed.

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    I'm a Pisces but I'd rather be a killa whale.

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    Yeah, I mean I'm a water sign. I'm a Pisces.

    • pisces quotes
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    Chances are, while you can come across as introverted, the real reason for your apparent reserve is you’re happy to be the life of your own party (be it in your head or in your own space) rather than follow the crowd.

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    Generally speaking, it is Pisces who provides most of the emotional input into your relationship but that doesn’t mean The Goat is unfeeling or insensitive. Moreover, it is the Fish who provides the extreme highs and low in your relationship and, strangely enough, it is this rollercoaster ride that helps Pisces cope with the monotony and routine and control that is the Goat’s preferred way of living.

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    You possess a unique, innate ability to see most aspects of most situations all at once!

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    I don’t need the facts. I’m a Pisces.

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    There is another side to the Pisces nature and that is the brutal honesty that can catch others off guard.

    • pisces quotes
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    When Pisces go to war, there’s never a shortage of broken hearts.

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    On the one hand, you have a wonderfully caring, magnetic personality that draw people in close. On the other hand, you come across as standoffish, even reclusive. While both personalities are, in fact, who you are, at any one moment which side you show to the world depends on who you are with and the circumstances you are in.

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    The rules don't keep us safe Caledonia. We keep one another safe. If you'd trust us to do that, we wouldn't need rules at all.

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    the world you are forced to inhabit does not match up to the world