Best 18 quotes in «unapologetic quotes» category

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    That very aggressive, unapologetic leadership style is needed in Washington, D.C., and I'm not afraid to tackle big issues.

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    Being your authentic and unapologetic self… Now that’s courage, confidence, and self-love! Never underestimate yourself… There’s great power in simply being YOU.

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    You can't make people be or do what you want. All you can do is be unapologetic about what you want and let others show up however they can.

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    A rebel is someone who does not conform to the expectations of others: Do not confirm to what the past expects of you, to what the ex expects of you, and definitely not to what fear expects of you.

    • unapologetic quotes
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    I’m just being me… Success is more than just a wish or desire; it’s a behavior. A byproduct of living this way is that I consistently draw the envy of haters while also disappointing those who have bet against me. But that’s just me… Unapologetically driven.

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    ...for a piece of famous fluffiness that doesn't just pretend about what real lives can be like, but moves on into one of the world's least convincing pretences about what people themselves are like, consider the teased and coiffed nylon monument that is 'Imagine': surely the My Little Pony of philosophical statements. John and Yoko all in white, John at the white piano, John drifting through the white rooms of a white mansion, and all the while the sweet drivel flowing. Imagine there's no heaven. Imagine there's no hell. Imagine all the people, living life in - hello? Excuse me? Take religion out of the picture, and everybody spontaneously starts living life in peace? I don't know about you, but in my experience peace is not the default state of human beings, any more than having an apartment the size of Joey and Chandler's is. Peace is not the state of being we return to, like water running downhill, whenever there's nothing external to perturb us. Peace between people is an achievement, a state of affairs we put together effortfully in the face of competing interests, and primate dominance dynamics, and our evolved tendency to cease our sympathies at the boundaries of our tribe.

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    He was a maniac utterly devoted to loving me, and I loved him in return, unapologetically.

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    His room was a sickly dual-tone of crimson and charcoal, like an Untitled Rothko, the colours bleeding into each other horribly and then rather serenely. The overall effect was overwhelmingly unapologetic but it grew on you like a wart on your nose you didn't realise it was a part of your identity until one day it simply was. His room was his identity. Fiercely bold, avant-garde but never monotonous. He was red, he was black, he was bored, and he was fire. At least to me he seemed like fire. A tornado of fire that burned all in its wake leaving only the wretched brightness of annihilation. His room was where he charmed and disarmed us. We were his playthings. Nobody plays with fire and leaves unscarred. The fire soon seeps into chard and soot. The colours of his soul, his aura, and probably his heart if he didn't stop smoking.

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    I’m an Unapologetic Exquisite Black Queen!

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    Black Barbie? Nah… I’m an unapologetic Exquisite Black Queen who’s intelligent, creative, courageous, confident, ambitious, and authentic. My beauty is just a bonus!

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    Don't allow anyone to hold you back from expressing your feelings. Maybe you just can't stand a chance of losing some friends, but if you must be truly you, you must be you! Nothing else!

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    ...she doesn't have to choose between being gentle or being fierce. Both exist in nature and both exist in her. That's ok. She'll know to nourish them both and when applicable, use each unapologetically.

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    Of course people have insulted me... that's just the reality of living a life in which you stand out. Does it bother me? No. Those people overestimate the weight I give their opinion. I'm just going to be me, unapologetically. You don't have to applaud, you don't have to cheer... but I know you're watching.

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    Perfection is not about being better than anyone else. It is the state of peace when you have accepted your unique flawed self

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    ...what goes on inside believers is mysterious. So far as it can be guessed at - if for some reason you wanted to guess at it - it appears to be a kind of anxious pretending, a kind of continual, nervous resistance to reality. It looks as if, to a believer, things can never be allowed just to be what they are. They always have to be translated, moralised - given an unnecessary and rather sentimental extra meaning. A sunset can't just be part of the mixed magnificence and cruelty and indifference of the world; it has to be a blessing. A meal has to be a present you're grateful for, even if it came from Tesco and the ingredients cost you £7.38. Sex can't be the spectrum of experiences you get used to as an adult, from occasional earthquake through to mild companionable buzz; it has to be, oh dear oh dear, a special thing that happens when mummies and daddies love each other very much... Our fingers must be in our ears all the time - lalala, I can't hear you - just to keep out the plain sound of the real world. The funny thing is that to me it's exactly the other way around. In my experience, it's belief that involves the most uncompromising attention to the nature of things of which you are capable. It's belief which demands that you dispense with illusion after illusion, while contemporary common sense requires continual, fluffy pretending. Pretending that might as well be systematic, it's so thoroughly incentivised by our culture.

    • unapologetic quotes
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    Your dirty past somehow puts GOD's grace on blast; it amplifies the great grace of GOD over your life.

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    Boldness, sensuality and an unapologetic way of showing things, that is part of my films.

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    Make no mistake, in this campaign, I will offer the American ideals of economic freedom a clear and unapologetic defense.