Best 19 quotes in «punching quotes» category

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    Never let it be said that I could not talk my way out of any trouble that I could not punch.

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    He can hit a man in the liver so the blood flow stops. It takes a full second before the pain registers and the man falls. I've seen Billy hook men's livers and punch at their hearts. I've seen him break a man's nose in the ring, shatter an eardrum, close an eye. I've seen him hit a man so hard, fist to jaw, the man seemed to fall asleep before he fell, his body so relaxed his face looked calm even when his head slammed against canvas.

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    The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego

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    My mom always tells me that if I feel like punching someone, first I have to say something nice to them. Out loud. If I still feel like punching them, they probably deserve it.

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    Stani walks in later, glaring at them both. “Bloody bastards. One minute punching each other, next minute reading poetry. What’s wrong with everyone this week?” Tom can tell that

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    This is crap," Shaun said, withdrawing his arm. "Right," I agreed. "Absolutely fucking crap." "No argument." "I want to punch somebody right about now." "Not it," Rick said. "I punch back," Steve said.

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    On Ryukyu islands, the expert Kara-te practitioners, used their skills to subdue, control and generally teach bullies A lesson, rather than severely injure or kill their attackers. They knew full well the consequences of their actions and the trail of blood and retribution that would ensue

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    . . . there are two types of fighters, the former strike all over the place hoping one would land, the latter, assured of their prowess and capabilities, hit once and destroy the opponent's desire to continue the fight

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    I always felt caged, closed in, like I was punching at things that weren't there. I always had too much energy for the room I was in.

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    Careful living and correct training methods aided me a great deal, but I would say straight punching was the foundation of all my success.

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    I just had to stay cool. Zen. No punching in the face. Punching would not be Zen.

    • punching quotes
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    It was mid-November 2008. There were pirates taking ships with impunity in African waters, terrorists punching holes in Indian security, China sinking towards depression because Americans were afraid to buy cheap goods for Christmas, and the richest nation in the history of the world was talking about how to keep a budget.

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    Talking like touching. Writing like punching somebody.

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    I'm not going to be anybody's punching bag.

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    Take things as they are. Punch when you have to punch. Kick when you have to kick.

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    Planned Parenthood is a gigantic bully, using Komen as its own personal punching bag.

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    Why stay with him, he uses you just like a human punching bag?

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    As soon as he was in range, I struck. I put all my wrath into that punch. It should have been enough to vaporize Mikey and leave a thug-shaped impression on the asphalt. Instead he ducked, which I found quite annoying. I stumbled forward. I have to say that when Prometheus fashioned you humans out of clay he did a shoddy job. Mortal legs are clumsy. I tried to compensate, drawing upon my boundless reserves of agility, but Mikey kicked me in the back. I fell on my divine face.

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    You...are...a...fridge...with wings,' Fang ground out, punching an Eraser hard with every word. 'We're...freaking...ballet...dancers.