Best 8 quotes in «always alone quotes» category

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    People like me, LB, the truly great ones ... we are always alone.

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    We lunched and dined in crowded restaurants. We were always alone.

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    We’re always alone. You can be in a crowded room and still feel the bite of loneliness. Personally, I find that it bites deepest whenever others are around.

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    I'm always alone. Sad face emoticon.

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    Hell is oneself, hell is alone, the other figures in it merely projections. There is nothing to escape from and nothing to escape to. One is always alone.

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    When it comes to the important things one is always alone.

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    If it could only be like this always - always summer, always alone, the fruit always ripe and Aloysius in a good temper.

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    In life's most significant moments we are always alone.