Best 12 quotes in «sleepless nights quotes» category

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    And I will remember how we made the sun blush every morning.

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    He'll probably wake up having sleepless nights about that one.

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    AS I SLEEP I fear that darkness Finds me As I sleep When life is quieted Midnight’s brutal feet Cast upon me Cementing me Against my pillow In a heaven Of black roses

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    I wish I could fall asleep. But with a good book in my hands, I stay awake to finish reading.

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    Sacred souls experience sleepless nights. It is enormous strength for specific sacred work.

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    Success is not a distant dream,it is a reality for those who sweat to achieve it,enjoy sleepless nights, take calculative steps through the day,and with self introspection keeps it humble with a smile.Then success gets loud with the achiever's mouth shut,while the world celebrates one's victory.

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    TIL KINGDOM COME you'll be the one. FOR YOU theres NO MORE KEEPING MY FEET ON THE GROUND. My head is in the clouds NOW MY FEET WONT TOUCH THE GROUND. LIFE IS FOR LIVING and i cant live until i have stolen a spot in your heart. HURTS LIKE HEAVEN and feels like hell to know your in ANOTHERS ARMS. This is no PARADISE. DONT LET IT BREAK YOU HEART i tell my self. Your BEAUTIFUL WORDS always IN MY HEAD i cant stop my self. THINGS I DONT UNDERSTAND would be you and me. LOST in your X&Y. I feel like i was SWALLOWED IN THE SEA, LOST and unseen, not a WISPER or a weep. I cry in my sleep, EVERY TEARDROP IS A WATERFALL. Should have seen the WARNING SIGNS, they were always there like a WISPER in my ear. Every time you say hello were back at SQUARE ONE, a smile my face. SUCH A RUSH i get when i talk to you. My heart beats as fast as a HIGH SPEED race. Every second i wait for your reply like CLOCK ticking by. DAYLIGHT nears as the SLEEPING SUN is UP IN FLAMES. What if its US AGAINST THE WORLD? What if HOW YOU SEE THE WORLD is how i see it too? WHAT IF?

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    During the hours when which our souls should be taking flight... Dancing almost endlessly with our hopes and dreams... As if only to aspire some sort of clarity prior to the morning light... Yet, be it as it may, regardless as to how long one waits... Sleep has yet again eluded me... Leaving me alone once again with my thoughts ~

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    Hail O mighty, fathomless sleep, come on and hug me tight and sweet; when I whisper those deepest pains, onto your ears mute and keen, sing for me the sweetest song that would sound the profoundest of life! Leave me upon your rocking arms, watched by spirits of placid nights! Goodnight, world, sweet dreams folks, blessed are those who would sleep at peace!

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    My word stink of blood and gore of sleepless nights of invisible demons of razors and knives of slashed wrists My words - they stink.

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    Patience takes away lots of stress, regrets, & sleepless nights knowing that all is well at the end of the day if we just wait a little bit.

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    You know you love him when you can't sleep at night and get up early to talk to him the next morning.