Best 11 quotes in «seventeen quotes» category

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    I lived in New Mexico until I was seventeen, and honestly I've been homesick ever since I left.

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    I did act as a kid, but I quit when I was seventeen.

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    Song "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" is actually about syphilis.

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    She is like all the rest of them. Whether they are seventeen or fortyseven, when they finally come to surrender completely, it's going to be in words.

    • seventeen quotes
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    How old are you? Sixteen? S-seventeen? [asks security guard] Is seventeen legal?

    • seventeen quotes
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    Only the dead stay seventeen forever.

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    Every person has one particular time in his life when he is more beautiful than he is ever going to be again. For some it is at seven, for others at seventeen or seventy, and as Laura Fleischman read out loud from Shakespeare, I remember thinking that for her it was probably just then.

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    To convey one’s mood in seventeen syllables is very diffic

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    And she imagined how things could be later. It was stupid, but the picture just appeared in her mind. Abel and Magnus shoveling snow together... in twenty years, in thirty. Magnus had grown old, his broad back still strong but bent from time, his hair nearly white at the temples. And Abel... Abel was a different Abel, an adult one, one who was absolutely self-confident and didn't let his eyes dart around the room at lunch, as if he were caught in trap. "Nonsense," she whispered. "Thirty years? You don't stay with the person you meet at seventeen... what kind of fairy tale are you living in, Anna Leemann?" And still the picture seemed right.

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    If you want to survive, you're going to have to learn to be ruthless...

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    I'm seventeen; we're all perverts." - Jace Lightwood