Best 6 quotes in «x men quotes» category

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    And you’re Emma Frost -- The Hellfire Club’s White Queen. I understand you call yourself something of a telepath. Well, “Your Majesty,” let’s see how good you really are.

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    Hear me, X-Men! No longer am I the woman you knew! I am Fire and Life incarnate! Now and forever - I am PHOENIX!

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    Gert: What... what just happened? Chase: I don't know, but guess who totally stole Cookie Monster's glasses! Gert: Whew, for a second there, I was worried we almost learned something. Chase: Ooo, look at me! I'm a big fluffy nerd!

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    Colossus: The X-Men need me. But as I said... Trance: Yeah, they don't trust you. I got it. Colossus: What would Wolverine do? Trance: He'd team up with a teenage girl and go kill bad guys.

    • x men quotes
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    I am not made of steel. Rage. made... of RAGE!!!!

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    Mutants, super beings, gods, aliens, a guy who sticks to walls at one extreme, a creature who eats planets at the other; Each one that comes into being, they feel, diminishes the rest of humanity, ordinary homo sapiens, that little bit more.