Best 5 quotes in «hungry for success quotes» category

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    I'd had my time in the charts and made loads of money. I was no longer hungry for success.

    • hungry for success quotes
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    The habit of wishing is only for those who aren't hungry enough for success.

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    When you're hungry for success, don't let anyone feed you crap about slowing down.

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    The biggest start-up successes - from Henry Ford to Bill Gates to Mark Zuckerberg - were pioneered by people from solidly middle-class backgrounds. These founders were not wealthy when they began. They were hungry for success, but knew they had a solid support system to fall back on if they failed.

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    I'm not hungry for success. I am only hungry for good work, and that is how it is with most superstars. Every day I tell myself how fortunate I am to be where I am.