Best 14 quotes in «living right quotes» category

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    I plan for the future, but the only day I really worry about is the day I'm living right now.

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    You only live once. But if you live your life right, once can mean everything!

    • living right quotes
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    If we're going to save the planet, people are going to have to live in ways that don't require so much energy and don't create as much waste. The only way to do that is to live more densely than Americans are living right now.

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    I said to my wife just the other day, I was actually taking some time to consider all the blessings in my life and that things are really good. I said, you would have to be a real churl to complain about the life I'm living right now. Everything's going great. I'm having a good time.

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    G-d doesn’t expect you to be perfect, She expects you to be imperfect—and is delighted when you disappoint Her.

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    Once you hit rock bottom, that's where you perfectly stand; That's your chance of restarting, but restarting the right way.

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    I know people who do a lot of drugs, and they keep thinking about things from the past and things ahead. But they're not living right here and now.

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    I understand wanting to do your craft. I understand wanting to have a passion for your art and for your ability to be an actor, to be a singer, to be a dancer - that I understand. Wanting to be famous - I don't get that. But that's where we're living right now.

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    This moment,which we are living right now will pass too. We have to enjoy, enjoy all that we can.

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    James Davison took me out to show me where Karl is living right now and where hes going to build. Karl wasnt at home. He was out there somewhere in the woods riding on some Caterpillar or some kind of tractor. But I figured wed at least knock on the door to see if he was there. His wife answered the door. So we got to meet Kay before Karl.

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    That's one of the things I haven't had time for in my personal life, is art, and I probably should make more time for it. I also don't have space where I'm living right now to set up a studio, but I'm sure at some point, I will.

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    I was about 26 or 27 and it was imperative that I make a living right away and it's hard to make a living on stage, so I started in television and film.

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    You ask me about the past, you ask me about the future, the only way to be happy is to be living right now.

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    We don't smoke marijuana in Muskogee, we don't take trips on LSD. We don't burn our draft cards down on Main Street, we like living right and free.