Best 12 quotes in «laws of life quotes» category

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    It's a law of life: the tyranny of things.

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    ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON’S LAW OF OBJECTIVITY : You must be aware of who you are, use your ability to do all things right, and have all things turn out well for you without hindrance through personal feelings, prejudice, impedance or encumbrance to make your mark impeccably and in a way that is free from any subjective preference and full of excellence.

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    Live the law of love. We encourage obedience to the laws of life when we live the laws of love.

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    Survival is the second law of life. The first is that we are all one.

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    Noronha's Laws 1. No man works harder than he must. 2. The joy of living, lies in making little things big. 3. Try never to do what you do not want to do. The secret of a happy old age is in never doing what you do not want to do.

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    Circumstances do not determine your state of being. Your state of being determines your circumstances.

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    In every time of season change: it is #wise to slow down and examine what our ego, thought-habits, and spiritual-energy are communicating to others...our environments. Truth is these thoughts (attitudes that aren't situationally static) are producing real activity, outcomes that shape our existence. Consider the conception of our thoughts, and what they will give birth to beyond the physical...they have an incredible power, with or without our active will, to lift us, sink us or soar us. Consider how we as human beings can be subject to the law enforcement of living under our own thought legislation...Selah.

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    The reality that we live in is pulsating with energy and governed by laws. Understanding the basic principles of these patterns enables us to attract the things into our lives which we need and want.

    • laws of life quotes
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    People come and go from our life; this is one of the most haunting laws of this nature. But these people teach us many things which we might not see at first but when they are gone, we really understand their meaning in our life.

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    Things change, people change, change is the inevitable laws of nature exacting its toll on lives.

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    Though shalt have a code of your own laws that govern you according to how you yourself perceive the world and though shalt be proud in them.

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    The knowledge of the little child's mental development has to become widely diffused, for only then will education be able to speak with a new voice, and say to the world with authority: "The laws of life are such and such. They can not be ignored. You must act in conformity with them, for they proclaim the rights of man which are universal and common to all.