Best 7 quotes in «calpurnia quotes» category

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    Alas, my lord, your wisdom is consumed in confidence.

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    It's not necessary to tell all you know.

    • calpurnia quotes
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    [...] -Así que, como puede ver, que se encuentre aquí esta noche es cosa del destino. Es usted la solución perfecta. Es decir, asumiendoque no tenga por costumbre visitar a caballeros en sus alcobas a altas horas de la noche. [...] - No, señoría. Es la primera vez. Ralston sabía que era así y tomó nota mental para descubrir más tarde qué era lo que había motivado esa visita nocturna. - Y la última, espero. Al menos hasta que Juliana haya sido presentada con éxito. - Aún no he accedido a su petición. - Pero lo hará -dijo en tono petulante-. Y, como pago, obtendrá su beso. - Perdone que se lo diga -replicó ella con humor-, pero le da un valor muy elevadoa sus besos.

    • calpurnia quotes
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    Could you really be expected to..." she paused, searching for the word. "Pleasure?" He offered, amiably. "Entertain. All three of them?" He began dealing the cards again. "Yes." "How?" He looked up at her, and offered her a wolfish grin. "Would you really like me to answer that?" Her eyes widened. "Uhm... no." He laughed then, a deep, rumbling laugh unlike anything she'd ever heard from him, and she was stunned by the way it transformed him. His face was immediately lighter, his eyes brighter, his frame more relaxed. She couldn't help but smile back at him, even as she admonished, "You're enjoying my discomfort." "Indeed I am, Empress." She blushed. "You shouldn't call me that." "Why not? You were named for an empress, were you not?" She closed her eyes and gave a mock shudder. "I prefer not to be reminded of the hideous name." "You should embrace it," he said, forthrightly. "You're one of the few women I've met who could live up to such a name." "You've said that before," she said. He turned a curious look on her. "I have?" She met his eyes and immediately regretted bringing up the decade-old memory, so insignificant to him- so very meaningful to her.

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    Don't matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this house's yo' comp'ny, and don't you let me catch you remarkin' on their ways like you was so high and and mighty! Yo' folks might be better'n the Cunninghams but it don't count for nothin' the way you're disgracin' 'em.

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    It's not necessary to tell all you know. It's not ladylike- in the second place, folks don't like to have somebody around knowin' more than they do. It aggravates ‘em. You’re not gonna change any of them by talkin’ right, they’ve got to want to learn themselves, and when they don’t want to learn there’s nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language.

    • calpurnia quotes
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    What is your name?" he asked softly. She winced, knowing what was to come, "Calpurnia." She closed her eyes again, embarrassed by the extravagant name- a name with which no one but a hopelessly romantic mother with an unhealthy obsession with Shakespeare would have considered saddling a child. "Calpurnia." He tested the name on his tongue. "As in, Caesar's wife?" The blush flared higher as she nodded. He smiled. "I must make it a point to better acquaint myself with your parents. That is a bold name, to be sure." "It's a horrible name." "Nonsense. Calpurnia was Empress of Rome- strong and beautiful and smarter than the men who surrounded her. She saw the future, stood strong in the face of her husband's assassination. She is a marvelous namesake.

    • calpurnia quotes