Best 11 quotes in «fortune teller quotes» category

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    Never in any Jane Austen novel did the love interest pretend to be a fortune-teller," Helen said, "Why would someone do that?

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    Newspapers have roughly the same relationship to life as fortune-tellers to metaphysics.

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    A fortune-teller means a braggart anyway. Don’t you know that a donkey can’t do but braying, a wolf can’t do but howling, a horse can’t do but neighing, and a fortune-teller can’t do but telling lies?

    • fortune teller quotes
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    The short fortune-teller who escaped from prison: a small medium at large.

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    So, apart from casting runes, what other hobbies do you have? Forbidden rituals, human sacrifices, torturing? –

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    Oh, girl! He's got a big one,” the fortune teller exclaimed, her dark eyes briefly flickering up to Violet's face before returning back to the cards spread out in front of her. She paused for a moment as she studied them, her pointer finger tapping against her jaw. Finally, she added, “Just like a summer sausage, and I'm not talking about the snack-sized ones. And it's attached to a body that could put Dwayne Johnson to shame. What women could resist a package like that? I'd say the future is definitely going to be bright... at least for you.

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    Prophecies aren't meant to be supernatural or some sort of other worldly power. It's a mathematical calculationss. The near and dear one's can always tell accurately what's going to happen. But the problem is, we never pay attention to their words. Cause they aren't Gypsy!

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    Once the future is foretold, that future becomes a living thing and it will fight very hard to bring itself about.

    • fortune teller quotes
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    The distance between an honest Christian mystic and a fortune-teller is sometimes less than half a whisper. Less than a pot of tea or the space between two book covers.

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    Whatever you wish to pay for a glimpse of your future," the fortune-teller says. Bailey stops to consider this for a moment. It is strange, but fair.

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    Yeah... everything is images for me. Bits and pieces coming together in pictures.” He grinned. “I see good fortune as dragons, and...” he turned the cup, pointing at a rippling shape along the edge, “and that thing there is definitely a dragon. Whoever this person is – this tall guy you talk to – it’s a good thing for you. Some kind of resolution, and a change for the future...