Best 9 quotes in «holier than thou quotes» category

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    I am not holier than you, you are not holier than me. Any one who thinks he is holier than the rest deludes himself.

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    I am not hlier than you, you are not holier than me. Any one who thinks he is holier than the rest deludes himself.

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    When Hillary Clinton tried to act holier than thou, it really doesn't work. It really doesn't.

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    We are all sinful. Trouble is that some men consider themselves less sinful than others or holier than others.

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    In the West, we've gone from living in holier-than-thou societies to more-liberal-than-thou ones. Call it secular piety but both are just different forms of the same sanctimoniousness.

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    It is far better to be seen by others as a sinner and plead fervently to Christ for salvation than to be regarded as a pious one and miss salvation! It is far better to be seen by others as wrong and seek to do what is right, than to be regarded as right when in reality, you might be heading towards a ditch!

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    She couldn't or simply wouldn't understand why I wanted to sleep all the time, and she was always rubbing my nose in her moral high ground and telling me to 'face the music' about whatever bad habit I'd been stuck on at the time. The summer I started sleeping, Reva admonished me for 'squandering my bikini body.' 'Smoking kills.' 'You should get out more.' 'Are you getting enough protein in your diet?' Et cetera.

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    We were created for a purpose and we must achieve something! Mankind is however void without being religious with all his getting! Religion is neither the mere necessary outward formality nor the daily common words, thoughts, actions and deeds which win popular applause or attract uncommon opposition or a noble silence, but a true and a sincere heart and mind that speaks and acts faith and religion outwardly with words, thoughts, actions and deeds in a true solemn manner; a total and an absolute self denial holy, pleasant, orderly and submissive to God Almighty; knowing The Way and walking in and on The Way with an unshakable faith, and in true fellowship with true like minded ones in peace, with a great understanding for others, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit of the Sovereign Lord God Almighty!

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    Some people brag about standing for something so hard and so much, that they do not realize that they are actually sitting.