Best 8 quotes in «allergy quotes» category

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    He thought it was cool he could go back in time whenever he sneezed until allergy season started!!

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    After living an allergy free life, I developed seasonal allergies after having a CT X-Ray radiation scan of my lungs.

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    Another thing that can make flour and dairy products so pleasurable and addictive, ironically, is their ability to cause more uncomfortable reactions than just about any other foods. . .They can comfort us from both digestive and/or respiratory distress. Remember how endorphins are released when we've had an injury? Same principle here. . .the body begins to comfort us from this chronic allergic irritation and damage. Ironically, this makes these foods irresistible. . . .After the extraction process, most of [the] beneficial nutrients are gone. What's left are the crystallized concentrate, not unlike other plant concentrates we're familiar with, like cocaine or opium . . . . . .[Vegetable oils are] very unstable - that is, they can become dangerously rancid very quickly. Rancid means oxidized, and in your body, oxidized means damage to your cells and tissues. . . If you eat vegetable oils that are already oxidized from heat and light in processing, you are exposing your own healthy tissues to a volatile substance that will damage them,

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    Food allergy is one of the least diagnosed and most prevalent causes of symptoms, especially depression.

    • allergy quotes
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    In Marin County, north of San Francisco, the search for a safe haven resulted in a new apartment complex - the first, and only, such government-sponsored project aimed at MCS.

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    If life were a nut I'd no doubt have an allergy!!

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    If anaphylactic shock is wrong, I don't wanna bee bite.

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    I seem to be allergic to whatever that terrible smell is," said Gateman when the urge to sneeze had finally subsided. "What terrible smell?" "The air," said Gateman. "It smells...different." "That's called oxygen," said Professor Boxley. "Freh air. No cars, no buses, no factories; just pure, clean oxygen.