Best 83 quotes in «trusting god quotes» category

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    How long will you carry the load of possessions on your head. When will you realise that nothing, no one belongs to you, that you belong to the Lord?

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    I don't have a lot of time for worry, because I accept that if I'm truly powerless to do something about the situation or change the circumstances; I have an abundance of faith that makes me know I can trust God to work it out. It's not about giving up or not caring, it's more about knowing within my spirit that not all burdens are ours to carry... and I refuse to sacrifice one day of my life over something or someone that only our Creator has the power to change.

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    If God is going to write your loves story, He's going to first need your pen.

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    If you are caught up in situations beyond your control, the solution is not figuring out how God can save you; it's trusting that he will.

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    If God has called you from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light, if He has saved you and given you eternal life, if He has breathed His breath into your body and taken up residency in the form of the Holy Spirit, then trust that He has your best interest at heart. - Hidden Treasures

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    If only we learn to believe in God, trust in Him completely – cooperate with His will – we will be supremely happy.

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    If it is not good for you, God will not give it to you. So don't grumble, if you don't get it.

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    I have decided the two options for me are (1) to torment myself or (2) to trust the Lord. There is no earthly solution to the problems that confront me. But I can add to my problems, as I have believe I have done, by dwelling on them.

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    I learned that within the confines of God’s story, nothing had been stolen from me, but rather everything was given to me. My life, which felt so out of control, was in reality in complete control – God’s control.

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    I just think it would be easier to trust God if I had extra money to trust him with.

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    I may not have it all, but I have a God who knows it all.

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    It is when we are at our darkest hour, when we can see no evidence that God loves us or that he is even there to listen to our prayers, much less answer them...and yet, we still obey. It is then that the devil is reminded that his cause is lost.

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    Imagine what God would trust you with tomorrow if you trusted Him more today...

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    It is easier to stop worrying when you absolutely trust God for provision.

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    Many who have found Jesus Christ wanting in time of need have God confused with a genii.

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    It is no easy thing to trust in God, to walk away from a career, to give it all up not knowing if you can ever get it back or even come close. But I did it. I heeded his voice, and somehow I found peace about it.

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    Maggie thinks it's part of God's plan like God has people murdered and tortured for some inexplicable reason that we will all have to trust. We will understand one day when we get to see the re-runs up in heaven, and we will all applaud at what a wonderful plan it was. Does God then take a bow and accept a cosmic Oscar

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    Nothing in my life is an accident.

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    Now you see only the mystery of this great sorrow; then you shall see how the threatening enemy was swept away in the wild night of fear and grief. Now you look only at the loss; then you shall see how it struck at the evil that had begun to rivet its fetters upon you. Now you shrink from the howling winds and muttering thunders; then you shall see how they beat back the waters of destruction, and opened up your way to the goodly land of promise.

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    My focus is 100% on you Lord Jesus and I know You will never let me down.

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    Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens 'till parents stop clenching their fists around precious things and people, let go, & trust God!

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    Thank you for reminding me that the future is in God's hands.'" "'You're welcome. And remember, wherever you go, in body and mind, you simply need to call out to God and He is there

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    Our faith is built in the dark, in the valleys, and during the back-breaking battles in life.

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    Risk taking is believing in yourself while trusting in God; knowing that He will open doors for you, even when you don't see any.

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    Sometimes I think the greatest things God teaches us are only found when we realize that we were never in control in the first place. I think your need to control things is just your fear of the unknown. Don’t miss out on the blessings He has for you just because you’re scared.

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    Sometimes we are tested with a great idea or opportunity just to see if we will act upon it, however the timing may not be right. We are being prepared for something else down the road... When we understand that all things happen for our benefit and we trust in the Lord, then we can accept what we have termed as "failures" knowing that in the end it will all work out and we will be happy.

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    The absolute basic belief that every child of God must come to is that if he or she lives in obedience to God's Word and in joyous harmony with our Father, nothing can impinge on his life except by His permission. To live in close communion with Christ is to experience daily the calm assurance of God's complete care and management of every detail in our walk with Him. No matter if trials or turmoil come. No matter if there is trouble. No matter if there is pain or poverty. Each is for a supreme purpose understood best by my Father, but allowed to impact me for my ultimate benefit, and for His honor.

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    The world is always in a hurry, but I teach My children patience. Live, expecting a full and joyous life. And learn to trust My perfect timing so that you may discover that all the pain found in waiting has a magnificent and awesome purpose.

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    The reason some of us are such poor specimens of Christianity is because we have no Almighty Christ. We have Christian attributes and experiences, but there is no abandonment to Jesus Christ.

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    There were so many things going on inside me and on the outside—many beyond my control. However, one thing I could control was to pray and commit myself every day to trust God so He could guide me.”—Yilda B. Rivera, Courage Under Fire

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    The end of ourselves is the beginning of God

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    The moment you learn the lesson, the test will be over.

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    The reason why I smile even in the midst of the storm, is because I know that Jesus Christ will carry me through.

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    [To] Immediately...turn to our spirit and exercise our spirit to contact God...practically means that we do not trust in ourselves but in God.

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    This is your time. Make it count by dedicating your time to your Heavenly Father.

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    Trust in the Lord brings much hope, joy and peace.

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    Trust God with your love life, and buckle up for the ride!

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    Trust God’s process and timing~ He’s got you covered!

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    Trusting God does not mean believing he will do what you want, but rather believing he will do everything he knows is good.

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    What if she'd sought God's Word for her pain? What if she'd resolved to forgive Rees for hurting her and trusted God to work that forgiveness out in her heart, so that she would have arrived in London with an attitude of humility and trust in God to lead her to the right person?

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    Waiting for Me to work, with your eyes on Me, is evidence that you really do trust Me.

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    We can't fight our sinful nature alone but instead, we must rely on God to assist us. From the book: Removing Your Shame Label.

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    We don’t have to be afraid of stepping out. We don’t have to be afraid of failing. We only have to be afraid of not trusting God.

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    We have to believe that the desires we have in our hearts will be fulfilled if we continue to trust and believe in him and His Word.

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    We can trust God with our brokenness because Psalm 34:18 shows us exactly where God is when we are hurting: ‘The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

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    We trust nature to know what it is doing, but we are not nearly so kind, understanding and trusting of our own rhythms and cycles. It's ridiculous that we are so hard on ourselves. Can we not trust that the very same forces that created the rhythms and cycles of nature created our own? Of course we can. We often don't, but we can, if we remember.

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    When in trouble, run to God. When in pain, dwell in His presence. When you don't know what to say or do, ask God and for every moment praise God. He is always by your side!

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    When I trust someone I do it without doubt or fear or reservation. And then I work on a Plan B.

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    When God closes a door He does not always open a window. Sometimes He wants you to sit in the quiet darkness while He transforms your fear into trust. How long that takes, is often up to you!

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    When you can't see God's hand, trust His heart.

    • trusting god quotes