Best 84 quotes in «better person quotes» category

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    Ask yourself: was there anything I could have done to prevent the situation? If the answer is yes, do something now and become a better person for it.

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    As you learn who you are, you can better surround yourself with friends who make you a better person, and that sometimes only happens when you disassemble old relationships.

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    At 49, I can say something I never would have said when I was a player. I am a better person because of my failures and disgraces.

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    Denzel Washington is a person I will always emulate. I emulate him because he focuses on real life. Because of that he has made me a better person.

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    Become a better person and be sure to know who you are, before meeting someone new and hoping that person knows who you are

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    Everyone grows and changes. It's not even to say that you become a better person than you were, but you're morphing. This whole thing is just a weird river that we're on.

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    Every day ask yourself, "What would I do today if I were a better person?

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    Every job is an opportunity to be a better person.

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    Growing up in music motivated me. I applied that to my education and it made me a better person.

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    I am a better person when I have less on my plate.

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    I don't have regrets, there are only lessons. You learn from them, and you become a better person.

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    I feel like I'm a much better person when I'm developing my imagination and my innocence and my vulnerability. I like that version of me better than the version where I'm just working on my analytical mind.

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    I just don't see the point in beating myself up. I think it's more productive to concentrate on being a better person right now than punishing myself for who I was in the past.

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    I know that if I scare myself once a day, I'm a better person.

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    I'm a better person when I'm preparing for a role, when I'm studying a role.

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    Every one of us strives to be a better person; and if I am to contribute one thing of myself, it would be compassion.

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    George Clooney is a super-human, he's just such an amazing human being, he taught me how to be a better person and a better actor!

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    He's a better person when she's around, and isn't that what friends are for, to raise you up and keep you at your best?

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    He was such a fabulous drama coach. What better person to have than Alfred Hitchcock? His work as a director was impeccable. I learned so much.

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    How can you not forgive someone who made you a better person?

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    I always hope to be a better person tomorrow than today.

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    I believe you can take all experiences and use them as knowledge and fuel to be a better person.

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    I don't think you learn as much about yourself when you are moving forwards as when you have fallen backwards. That's when you really learn who you are. And reach for the things that have propelled you forward and made you a better person.

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    If I die unexpectedly can everyone just do the right thing and pretend I was a way better person than I am?

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    I found the emotion that as an athlete you block out, and it really helped me to understand myself as a person. I'm a really emotional person and it helped make me a better person.

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    I have an unending desire to be better and make myself a better person, better mother.

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    I'm a better person now, and not only that - I'm a better man

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    It is only when you have mastered the art of loving yourself that you can truly love others. it's only when you have opened your own heart that you can touch the hearts of others. when you feel centered and alive, you are in much better position to be a better person.

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    In fact, Parkinson's has made me a better person. A better husband, father and overall human being.

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    I only have girlfriends now who make me a better person.

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    I started running ultras to become a better person.

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    It's certainly not wrong to want to be a better person. God gave us that desire.

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    It's a big theme in my life, learning about myself and being a better person. I'm a work in progress; I have revelations every day.

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    It's been harder for me for sure being Muslim American, it's been harder for me for sure being the first Muslim ever elected anything here in Virginia, but it's actually made me into a much better person. So, the neat thing is while it's more difficult for people like me maybe to get elected in certain parts of our country, we prove that it's possible. And, that's something to be commended here in our country, that people from all walks of life can be involved and that's not the case even in some developed countries.

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    It's not the nineteenth century; I'm not meant to be judged on how good a housekeeper I am. Getting down on the floor with a lemon and a bucket of vinegar does not make me a better person.

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    I would have to say that my divorce was an incredibly difficult experience in my life, but I am truly thankful for it. It made me a stronger and better person.

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    I've done some things that I shouldn't have done but I know I'm not a bad person, and I know that I can become a better person... Only thing I can do is work at it.

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    I want to be made better personally. That is the gig.

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    Le Mans is such a great race because you can never do anything alone. You have to work as a team member. And being a team member makes you a better person.

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    Know your history. It can teach you who you are, where you have come from, and how to be a better person as a result.

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    I would say that Barack Obama not only made me a better person but made me better at my job. He's one of the most intellectually curious people you'll ever meet and really brings that out in other people.

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    Leaving a great organization and a lucrative contract is not easy, but it allows me to take a deep breath and work on things that can make me a better driver and a better person.

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    Love is a fine cushion to rest upon, but only hate can make you a better person.

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    Money will make you more of what you already are. If you're not a nice person, money's going to make you a despicable individual. If you're a good person, money's going to make you a better person.

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    One of my goals is to inspire everyone I meet to become a better person.

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    Most of the things are either not communicable through human expression or they're top secret. Also I'm working on being a better person, and becoming more disciplined.

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    Love should be that person that inspires you to be a better person.

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    Reading makes me feel I've accomplished something, learned something, become a better person. ... Reading is bliss.

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    Not only am I constantly seeking better performance but also to be a better person, to be respected.

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    Saying someone is ugly doesn't make you any prettier.