Best 18 quotes in «inspiriational quotes» category

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    As you experience sensation, exquisite insights will be gifted to you.

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    And I pray that you no longer seek happiness from the past, but rather you set your sails forward, to a land that is pure and wonderful. I pray that you no longer stare into the shallows of empty promises, but that you dive into the depth of an ocean of guarantees. May you feel the winds of hope, and smell the scent of joy, may your heart be alive again as it was meant to be. For you are with a better captain, you are with a true sailor, a true leader; You are sailing with Christ, and He is always sure to lead us home.

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    Beneath the cacophony of sound generated by our world lies the quiet whisper of universal intelligence. Allow it to be heard...

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    Be an unstoppable force. Write with an imaginary machete strapped to your thigh…

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    We all have to rely on God’s infinite grace and keep trying, keep loving, keep believing, and do the best we can.

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    If you keep waiting for things to improve before you start your life, you will die in the starting blocks. Jala, Healer to the Royal House of Soris

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    I need enough grace for each day.

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    Nothing is impossible. Everything is possible. It's all in the attitude.

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    The strongest oak tree of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun.

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    What's holding you back is the belief that something is holding you back

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    You are trustworthy.' She said it again and again, letting the chorus seep into her quavering heart and hungry soul. "I trust you with everything. My whole life. I want your will, Lord. Not mine. Just . . . . ' Her voice broke. 'Just Christ alone. That's what I choose. You're enough.

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    You shouldn’t have to convince anyone of who you are – but I have a feeling you’ve spent most of your life doing just that. -Levi

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    I, alone, can decide what my relationship with Christ becomes.

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    I thought this director gig was just one of those side roads we take at times on the journey to our true purpose. Now I see that in God's economy, nothing is wasted

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    Our Intuition is the beacon that guides us to peace, and navigates us through the treacherous Karmic waters.

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    The only guide which I feel that I can follow is not the fluctuating dicta of those who are victors in the battle for popularity at a given moment, but my own understanding of the American tradition in which I was brought up.

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    Walking in faith: first you test the water, then the water tests you.

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    What we love teaches us how to love.