Best 8 quotes in «daughter of smoke and bone quotes» category

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    Nwella came up with a silver bowl and a big soft brush, and before Madrigal knew what was happening Nwella had dusted her chest, neck, and shoulders with something that glittered. “What—?” “Sugar,” she said, giggling. “Nwella!” Madrigal tried to brush it off, but it was dust-fine and it clung: sugar powder, which girls wore when they planned to be tasted. If her rose petal lips and naked back were not enough invitation to Thiago, Madrigal thought, this certainly was. Its telltale shimmer might as well have been a sign that said LICK ME.

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    His lips made a grim twist that was like the joyless cousin of a smile.

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    She may have been the one whose name meant music, but his sounded like it. Saying it made her want to sing it, to lean out a window and call him home. To whisper it in the dark.

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    oh, good, Pestilence is free," said Karou, heading towards the sculpture. Massive emperor and horse both wore gas masks, like every other statue in the place, and it had always put Karou in mind of the first horseman of the Apocalypse, Pestilence, sowing plaque with one outstretched arm.

    • daughter of smoke and bone quotes
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    We dreamed together of the world remade.

    • daughter of smoke and bone quotes
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    There was darkness, and monsters vast as worlds swam in it.

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    And so this paradise was like a jewel box without a jewel. There it lay, day after day of rose-colored dawns and creature sounds and strange perfumes, and waited for lovers to find it and fill it with their happiness.” Pause. “The end." “The end?” Akiva opened his eyes. “What do you mean, the end?” She said, smoothing her cheek against the golden skin of his chest, “The story is unfinished. The world is still waiting.

    • daughter of smoke and bone quotes
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    Your soul sings to mine. My soul is yours, and it always will be, in any world.