Best 124 quotes in «sugar quotes» category

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    For whatever reason, people aren't taught that sugar is a massive enemy.

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    For, with pure water the inversion of cane sugar scarcely proceeds and subsequently it required very thorough, difficult studies before this effect and its order of magnitude were established.

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    Hurry, get on board, it's comin', listen to those rails a-thrumming all aboard. Get on the "A" train, soon you will be on Sugar Hill in Harlem.

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    Greatness and madness are next door neighbours; and they borrow each other's sugar. You don't get there without the other.

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    I ate healthily, but there was no snacking, no drinking, no bread, no sugar, no smoking. Afterwards I had a pork belly roast.

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    I am a gluttonous, gorging failure. A waste. My body isn’t used to high-sugar carbs laced with witchcraft. It can barely cope with soup and crackers.

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    I consume too much sugar. It’s a problem, I need to stop.

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    Homeopathy pills are, after all, empty little sugar pills which seem to work, and so they embody [..] how we can be misled into thinking that any intervention is more effective than it really is.

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    If only a small fraction of what is already known about the effects of sugar were to be revealed in relation to any other material used as a food additive, that material would promptly be banned.

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    I distinguish sentiment from sentimentality. Sentimentality makes your skin crawl. It's like too much sugar. But, sentiment is a great feeling.

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    If you're eating sugar throughout the day, you're spiking your blood sugar level and you're becoming a fat storing machine.

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    I fought Sugar [Ray Robinson] so many times that I'm lucky I didn't get diabetes

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    If Martin Luther King were here he'd be very surprised at some of the sugar-coated versions of American history presented today.

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    In olden times an enemy was sometimes poisoned by a bouquet,--deceit sugar-coated.

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    If you have acid in food, you need to sugar it. At a high temperature, the acids are changed to sugar.

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    In our world, 80 to 90 percent of women's weight gain comes from overindulging in insulin-stimulating food. And it's not hardcore, straight-up, I-can-see you-in-the-face sugar. They're eating whole-wheat bread. They're eating ancient grains. They're eating black beans. That stuff is horrible.

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    I liked the idea of all of humanity fitting inside a sugar cube because more than 99.9% of matter is space.

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    I often say fame is kind of like a drug or like sugar: when it's controlling you it doesn't feel good at all.

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    In the process of being metabolized, sugar robs your body of valuable nutrients ... Sugar also inhibits your liver's production of enzymes needed in the detoxification process.

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    It's not the sugar that makes the tea sweet, but the stirring.

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    I've been so lazy all my life. I used to literally lie on the couch, up until the age of 35, fearing that my bones were dissolving like sugar cubes, from disuse.

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    It’s funny how the good things are all tied up with the bad. Sometimes it’s hard to tell which is which. But either way, you end up taking your sugar with your salt and your kicks with your kisses.

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    I was a terrible Sugar Babies addict, so I had more cavities than the surface of the moon.

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    It’s Kahlua, Sage. Packed with sugar and coffee flavor.

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    I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia, an abnormal decrease of sugar in the blood. Eventually I learned to eat five small meals a day. Now if I'm making a movie and get hungry, I call time out to eat some crackers

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    Juke glanced into her cup before tipping it down to her mouth. "Screw you!" "Now come on, sugar, you know I don't swing that way." "Whatever!

    • sugar quotes
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    Life is like a cup of tea, the sugar is all at the bottom!

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    My mom's a great cook but I wasn't really allowed a lot of sugar or junk. That has served me well in my life.

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    I went to the bank and asked to borrow a cup of money. They said, 'What for?' I said, 'I'm going to buy some sugar.'

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    No candy bars unless I've had a low blood sugar where I'm shaky

    • sugar quotes
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    Negotiating sugar trade in bilateral free trade agreements is a recipe for disaster for the U.S. sugar industry, and it is unnecessary.

    • sugar quotes
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    Nanotechnology will let us build computers that are incredibly powerful. We'll have more power in the volume of a sugar cube than exists in the entire world today.

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    Our body craves what is in our bloodstream. Wheat, sugar, alcohol, coffee & de-vitalized foods are designed to be addictive!

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    Only in this town, where we make an industry out of creating euphemisms, can we have enough sugar to sugarcoat this nonsense.

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    Oatmeal tastes so good on its own, you don't even need to add sugar.

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    People don't realize where unsweet tea came from. During the war they had to ration sugar, so then everybody just had to drink bitter tea, or unsweet.

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    Snarky, sexy and so much fun. Sugar Jamison is sure to be a hit!.

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    Someone saved my life tonight, sugar bear, you almost had your hooks in me, didn't you dear?

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    Sugar and caffeine. My willpower crumbled.

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    Sugar, rum and tobacco are commodities which are nowhere necessaries of life, which are become objects of almost universal consumption, and which are therefore extremely proper subjects of taxation.

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    Sugar is celebratory. Sugar is something that we used to enjoy. Now, it basically has coated our tongues. It's turned into a diet staple, and it's killing us.

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    The first entirely vital action, so termed because it is not effected outside the influence of life, consists in the creation of the glycogenic material in the living hepatic tissue. The second entirely chemical action, which can be effected outside the influence of life, consists in the transformation of the glycogenic material into sugar by means of a ferment.

    • sugar quotes
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    Sassafras wood boiled down to a kind of tea, and tempered with an infusion of milk and sugar hath to some a delicacy beyond the China luxury.

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    The motivation is fighting the right fight. The type of fight I know I can fight. That's the motivation and showing the people the way Sugar Shane really fights.

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    Their diet is basically boiled vegetables, fish and rice. No fat, no sugar. You notice when you live there that there are no fat people.

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    The Photograph is violent: not because it shows violent tings, but because on each occasion (i)it fills the sight by force(i), and because in it nothing can be refused or transformed (that we can sometimes call it mild does not contradict its violence: many say that sugar is mild, but to me sugar is violent, and I call it so).

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    The reason it's called "Grape Nuts" is that it contains "dextrose," which is also sometimes called "grape sugar," and also because "Grape Nuts" is catchier, in terms of marketing, than "A Cross Between Gerbil Food and Gravel," which is what it tastes like.

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    There's all kinds of ways to wean yourself off of sugar - because it is like an addiction.

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    The very dogs were all asleep, and the flies, drunk with moist sugar in the grocer's shop, forgot their wings and briskness, and baked to death in dusty corners of the window.

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    This world is made out of sugar. It can crumble so easily but don’t be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it.