Best 6 quotes in «bilingual quotes» category

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    Annoyance has made me bilingual.

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    For years, "Sorry, I don't speak French" has been the reflexive response of English-speaking Canadians to a request, a comment, or a greeting in the other official language. Part apology, part defiance, it is a declaration of the otherness. That is not me. I don't do that. The language barrier is her, at this counter, now.

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    Her English was sweet, an effort for her, anachronistic and unpractised.

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    I don’t know or understand any other language except the language of kindness.

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    Something critical happens when the cadre of bilinguals learns to read imported scrolls: they gain entry into a library. I use the word "library" to refer not to a physical building but, more broadly, to the collectivity of accumulated writings. . . . humans possess an ever-increasing store of writings, the totality of which I call the library. The transformation of an oral culture into a written one means, first and foremost, the potential entry of bilinguals into a library.

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    I de mí.

    • bilingual quotes