Best 6 quotes in «handwritten quotes» category

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    By the time you read this letter, these words will be those of the past. The me of now is gone.

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    As I pen these words to leave a lasting record, I wonder myself where it all began.

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    I like to send letters. I love to receive them. I could never throw away a letter.

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    The writing, in huge insular majuscule script, is flawless in its regularity and utter control. One can only marvel at the penmanship. It is calligraphic and as exact as printing, and yet it flows and shapes itself into the space available. It sometimes swells and seems to take breath at the ends of lines. The decoration is more extensive and more overwhelming than one could possibly imagine. Virtually every line is embellished with color or ornament.

    • handwritten quotes
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    Irony, we want our handwriting to look like typed fonts, and our computer fonts to look like handwritten text.

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    This book is handwritten because, in its way, it is a love letter, and love letters should not be typeset by compositors or computers.