Best 22 quotes in «twilight saga quotes» category

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    In other news, Aang dominates on “Are You Smarter Than the Fire Nation”. Bella Swan becomes engaged to her boyfriend of one year, Edward Cullen, and unceremoniously sends Jacob Black to the “friend zone”. Pop star Candy Cane trades her controversial career for being a housewife (which was a move that is very unpopular with many of her young fans), and Jacquel Rassenworth is still the Internet’s biggest fame-nut (cue APPLAUSE).

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    In my own opinion (key word), the foundation of feminism is this: being able to choose. The core of anti-feminism is, conversely, telling a woman she can't do something solely because she's a woman—taking any choice away from her specifically because of her gender. ... One of the weird things about modern feminism is that some feminists seem to be putting their own limits on women's choices. That feels backward to me. It's as if you can't choose a family on your own terms and still be considered a strong woman. How is that empowering? Are there rules about if, when, and how we love or marry and if, when, and how we have kids? Are there jobs we can and can't have in order to be a "real" feminist? To me, those limitations seem anti-feminist in basic principle.

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    How easy it must be when you had no secrets from the person you lived with.

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    no one had to tell me anything. I know what I am

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    In the hearts of fans everywhere, his protectiveness is where his true appeal lies. Edward feels both pleasure and pain in Bella's company: his heart cries out for her love while his need for her blood, the scent of which intoxicates him, and he must fight the urge to kill her to savor it. His agony would end if he were to fulfill her request to turn her into a vampire, but he refuses. He fears it would mean giving up her soul, and he has made it his mission to safeguard her, body and soul. Even when it seems he is bound by a promise to make her a vampire, he will only do it if she marries him, sanctifying the act in his mind. This magnificent creature, who could have one of his on glorious kind, chooses plain, mortal Bella; puts her on a pedestal; and is willing to protect and honor her. What woman could ask for more?

    • twilight saga quotes
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    I wasn't suicidal. Even in the beginning, when death unquestionably would have been a relief, I didn't consider it. I owed too much to Charlie. I felt too responsible for Renee. I had to think of them.

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    Of course, I'll always love you... in a way. But what happened the other night made me realize that it's time for a change. Because I'm... tired of pretending to be something I'm not, Bella. I am not human... I've let this go on much too long, and I'm sorry for that.

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    It takes a few days for the transformation to be complete, depending on how much venom is in the bloodstream, how close the venom is to the heart. As long as the heart keeps beating, poison spreads, healing, changing the body as it moves through it. Eventually the heart stops, and the conversion is finished. But all the time, every minute of it, a victim would be wishing for death

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    I wondered how long it could last. Maybe someday, years from now.If the pain would decrease to the point where I could bear it.I would be able to look back on those few short months that would always be the best of my life. And, if it were possible that the pain would ever soften enough to allow me to do that, I was sure that I would feel grateful for as much time as he'd given me. More than I'd asked for, more than I'd deserved. Maybe someday I'd be able to see it that way.

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    Take control. You are a strong, independent woman.

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    Teenage Turn-Ons As played by Robert Pattinson in the Twilight Saga movies, Edward has a certain physical sex appeal thanks in part to the the actor's handsome features. but the appeal in both the movies and the novels has nothing to do with a bad-boy energy that so often translates into sexiness because, really, even when he's full-out vamp, there isn't that much of a bad boy to be found in his character. Curiously, the sexiness of the vampire Edward comes from his safeness. He is the ultimate fantasy man. Described in overly ripe prose, his physical perfection is glorious. He might be a little cool to the touch-but gosh! Look at him! He's youthful, with a perfect body, or the sort of man found in the pages of a million romance novels. And most important, he will do what ever it takes to keep his beloved Bella safe, whether the danger comes from the world or himself.

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    Then you have this other phenomena of the paranormal romance. It's all the benefits of being a vampire without the sacrifices. By the gods, Meyer's vampires walk around sparkling in the daylight and some are vegetarians. But this phenomenon is also tied to a lot of our communal fears. Fear of aging. Fear of fading youth. Fear of loneliness. But whereas the classic motifs are more concerned with confronting and overcoming our fears, the fears of the paranormal romance genre become twisted fantasies of denial. The idea of staying young, attractive and powerful for eternity feeds into the modern self-absorbed ethos.

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    There is a big difference between bravery and insanity

    • twilight saga quotes
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    Así que somos dos bolas de discoteca andantes.

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    Vampires used to be the Dracula types, but in the last ten years most of them have become weak, brooding androgynes that only go after teenagers. A friend of mine took the opportunity to rid his whole city of them after the forth Mormon Vamps book hit and the sparkle meme was at its strongest." "So does that make Ms. Mormon Sparkle Vamp a hero?" "Of a sort. Before they started to sparkle, there were a lot of vamps who were tortured antiheroes, thanks to Rice and Whedon." Ree grimaced. "Do you know if she was clued in?" Eastwood shrugged. "She's very secretive, no one in the Underground has been able to say for sure. It's all rumor. My guess is she lost someone to a vampire and decided the greatest revenge she could inflict was to turn them into a laughing stock.

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    You're the very best part of my life.

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    By all accounts, we're damned regardless. But I hope,maybe foolishly, we'll get some measure of credit for trying

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    Bella: Ricordare era vietato, dimenticare mi faceva paura; era un confine difficile da attraversare.

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    Edward: «Isabella Swan?» Mi guardò da dietro quelle ciglia incredibilmente lunghe, con occhi dorati, dolci e al tempo stesso ardenti. «Prometto di amarti per sempre, ogni singolo giorno, per l'eternità. Mi vuoi sposare?» Avrei voluto dire un sacco di cose, alcune per niente affatto belle, altre vergognosamente sdolcinate e romantiche, che forse nemmeno nei suoi sogni mi aveva mai sentito dire. Eppure, invece di sentirmi in imbarazzo, sussurrai: «Sì».

    • twilight saga quotes
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    Edward a Bella: Ti ho amata sempre e sempre ti amerò. Ho pensato a te, ho visto il tuo volto nei ricordi, durante ogni minuto di lontananza. Dirti che non ti volevo più è stata una terribile bestemmia.»

    • twilight saga quotes
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    drenching his shirt with saltwater

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    Edward a Bella: Prima di te, Bella, la mia vita era una notte senza luna. Molto buia, ma con qualche stella: punti di luce e razionalità... Poi hai attraversato il cielo come una meteora. All'improvviso, tutto ha preso fuoco: c'era luce, c'era bellezza. Quando sei sparita, la meteora è scomparsa dietro l' orizzonte e il buio è tornato. Non era cambiato nulla, ma i miei occhi erano rimasti accecati. Non vedevo più le stelle. Niente aveva più senso. C'era una sola cosa alla quale dovevo credere se volevo continuare a vivere: la certezza della sua esistenza. Per me era tutto. Al resto avrei saputo resistere. A patto che lui fosse ancora vivo e reale.