Best 14 quotes in «spirtual quotes» category

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    For infinite lives, one has been wandering around, and once in a while, he will attain a human birth. But there his back will hurt. He will have created obstacles such that he will not be able to eat, even when he is served a plate full of food. This is how it is! So think before you take any steps (before you do anything).

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    Father, forgive them; they don't know what they're doing!

    • spirtual quotes
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    God is the Creator of all dreams.

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    I am the essence of magic, its mysteriousness, its beauty and its ability to make things happen when people couldn't see how!

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    Most people give up finding their soul mate, and settle down to just having a flesh mate.

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    Mokha (ultimate liberation) is attained by meeting a Gnani Purush (the enlightened one), otherwise even after millions of (trying) solutions, moksha will not be attained. Moksha cannot be attained through (trying) solutions, it can be attained through effort free state (upeya)

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    Over the thousands of years, it seems things have not really changed much when you take out the things and think only of the people.... I deeply regret wasted time--for it was never mine alone to waste. I would rather be nothing in the eyes of the world, if something, anything of value in the eyes of God. Too often, myself guilty in the past, when I read poetry the "I" is prominent. I have come to a point in life where I would rather less to stand-out, be a dominant personality, and more to be part of the blended solutions. Too often we let the world measure our worth by what we have become referencing their values, excluding the far greater--all of them we have avoided becoming. On old age: if you keep your sense of humor, you have kept your best sense. The expression of love gives the soul wings, and a never-ending span of light.... Nothing is truly alive, if living outside of love. May that truth be fact, fiction or falsehood: what is memorable, the thing we can't reach and fully touch, but recognize as art, is always truth. Having lived with a cat for the past six years--I am thoroughly convinced that both Pavlov and his dog were conditioned by Pavlov's Cat.... We see and feel far less with our senses...and more with our predilections. Truth be told, no one sees truth clearly as God sees it. After speaking with a much younger man than myself today, I discovered, that reaching 70 years old has some unintended consequences--Intelligence. Though he or she may think so, no writer knows entirely what is being said (as for truth--a figment of intellectual imagination); but, to create a tingle in the reader (a living word...ah!) That is nearer Divine! Love needs no affirmation but its presence. If I could only keep from getting in my own way! When forgetting we are co-creators with God, our behavior is that of independent destroyers. Art! It is like human love--controlling and all consuming when living with it…death without it! If I have learned anything from life, it is that I know nothing; and the mystery of my journey is to douse the lesser-ego with incendiary making ready for Divine spark.... The all-seeing eye of the heart if allowed to open will always see love first.... Love is patient...quietly awaiting to show despite our rejection—abiding in silence as ordered until our cloaking lifted for release and full expression. What joy that moment of uncovering—the heart purely exposed, our greatest lamp. While looking at a picture of a magnificent wasps' nest I thought: 'Amazing how creatures so small seem to have capacity for thought so large....' Children do have a way of bringing us back into focus, usually throwing a slow curve that ends up being a strike to the heart of the matter. Some large lessons of love have come to me from much smaller sizes than myself.

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    I am also an author. Please check out my novel, A Life Worth Dreaming About.

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    Become one with your divine self to know and experience the divine existence of God within yourself. Your cosmic self will emerge from this manifestation of divine self. One who has seen and expirence the divine existence within, will see it in outside world, in everything as well. Life is not a chaos of questions, it is full of  answers. You limit it by your own perception, open your eyes, and let the sight be born. Don't let possessions of material world be an attachment inside. One who is unpossessed by nothing inside can not be touched by anything outside.

    • spirtual quotes
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    To experience spiritual victory, you must depend on God's resources.

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    You ever seen that painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, where God’s reaching out and touching the finger of an angel? That was what it felt like at the moment my lips touched hers. It was more than just a kiss. It was something spiritual.

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    There is in each person, in every animal, bird and plant a star which mirrors, matches or is in some sense the same as a star in the heavens.

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    This worldly life is nothing but entrapment. Once one is trapped, he cannot escape. One cannot even get out of this mud if he gets deep into it. The more he tries to get out, the deeper he sinks.

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    Does God know I'm still here? Does God know it's still me inside?" "Sure He does! Of course He does! He's right with you. he's right there." "Because I feel really alone sometimes." "You're not alone." I move to her, put my hand on her shoulder. "You're not, believe me.