Best 3 quotes in «ocean at the end of the lane quotes» category

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    Djetinjstvo mi ne nedostaje, ali nedostaje mi ona sposobnost uživanja u malim stvarima, čak i dok se veće stvari urušavaju. Nisam imao nikakvu moć nad svijetom koji sam nastanjivao, nisam se mogao maknuti od stvari i ljudi i trenutaka koji su me boljeli, ali pronalazio sam radost u stvarima koje su me usrećivale.

    • ocean at the end of the lane quotes
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    I liked myths. They weren't adult stories and they weren't children's stories. They were better than that. They just were.

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    I said, "Who are you really? Why are you giving people money?" "Everybody wants money," she said, as if it were self-evident. "It makes them happy. It will make you happy, if you let it." We had come out by the heap of grass clippings, behind the circle of green grass that we called the fairy ring: sometimes, when the weather was wet, it filled with vivid yellow toadstools.

    • ocean at the end of the lane quotes