Best 6 quotes in «futures quotes» category

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    Everything did, if left long enough to its own devices. Futures, pasts, it doesn't matter. Everything fell apart.

    • futures quotes
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    I’ll project myself into several futures simultaneously,” I should have said, “a minor tremor in my hand; I’ll work my way from irony to sincerity in the sinking city, a would-be Whitman of the vulnerable grid.

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    Fornication and adultery unleash destructive consequences into a person's life: • Poverty; • Lack of perception; • Loss of respect and mutual acceptance; • Children with shattered futures; • Dullness of the senses and of the intellect; • Deterioration of health.

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    Mathematics tells us that knowledge of all infinite futures is not possible - is this why bad things happen? Has science killed God?

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    If, years later, I do use the slit detector to observe which way the electron went, it will mean that many years earlier the electron must have passed through one slit or the other. But if I don't use the "slit detector," then the electron must have passed through both slits. This is, of course, extremely weird. My actions at the beginning of the twenty-first century can change what happened thousands of years ago when the electron began its journey. It seems that just as there are multiple futures, there are also multiple pasts, and my acts of observation in the present can decide what happened in the past. As much as it challenges any hope of ever really knowing the future, quantum physics asks whether I can ever really know the past. It seems that the past is also in a superposition of possibilities that crystallize only once they are observed.

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    We want all possible things made actual, the perpetual possibility of perfection, the best of all futures all at once.