Best 6 quotes in «chosen family quotes» category

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    He looked at all the people in that room, their tears and their smiles merging together as one, and at the care they all had for him, as if he was worth something great.

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    ten reasons to love being queer viii. the people within our community are so supportive and so caring and so loving, most of the time towards people they don’t even know and it is in moments like that when you realize that the queer community is more than a community we are a family

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    If the family you came from sucked, make up a new one. Look at all the people there are to choose from. If the family you are in hurts, get on the bus. Like now.

    • chosen family quotes
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    I live in a constellation of intimates, and the shape of us is a family. We touch base and check in, with each other and also—I am so gratified to report—they sometimes check in with one another. Correspondences have sprung up and friendships have started to form beyond my influence. Family has begun to take on a transitive property as well.

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    We’ve all done this —created our mix-and-match families, our homemade safety nets.

    • chosen family quotes
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    Your friend mourns your losses with you, because they experience them too. The truth is, no matter how lonely you might feel, you're never going through anything can choose your family.