Best 6 quotes in «stefan quotes» category

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    I don't need to sleep to play. I'm crazy anyway. Being crazier still could only help.

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    He took an enormous mouthful of grains, speaking around it. "You feen weddie?" Gillian raised an eyebrow. "I don't speak moronese.

    • stefan quotes
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    I think you're wonderful too, Hal!" Stephan said, in a workmanlike approximation of Ophelia's breathless, admiring tones. The crew laughed even harder. Lydia snorted through her nose.

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    It is my place to remind you of the rules,” Stefan said, his voice even. “You, William Frost, have chosen three against three. Two fighters, with you as the captain of yours, and Marsilia as the captain of hers, with the other two participants on either side yet to be chosen. The fight is to the death of the captains.” “Excuse me,” I said diffidently. “But both the captains are already dead.” Everyone looked at me. The vampires with cold, unfriendly gazes, and Honey as if I were crazy. That was okay—because I was utterly crazy.

    • stefan quotes
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    Shay picked that moment to walk back to the car. Thank God. Now we could leave, and I could get away from Nox and home to the beautiful Salvatore brothers. Shoot—were they Elven, too? Probably.

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    It doesn't matter if you can't say it right now. I'll say it for both of us. And someday you'll learn.