Best 11 quotes in «bach quotes» category

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    To wake up one day and be Steinway and Glen in One... Glen Steinway, Steinway Glen, all for Bach.

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    There is much more to playing the clavier than playing written music. Do you realize with accompanying there is often nothing written out but the bass line--the left hand? There might be a few notations as to a suggested harmony, but it is up to me to fill in the music, at the proper volume, style, and harmony for the soloist--often instantly. I've heard it said that Bach questioned wether the soloist or the accompanist deserves the greatest glory.

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    When art is made new, we are made new with it. We have a sense of solidarity with our own time, and of psychic energies shared and redoubled, which is just about the most satisfying thing that life has to offer. 'If that is possible,' we say to ourselves, 'then everything is possible'; a new phase in the history of human awareness has been opened up, just as it opened up when people first read Dante, or first heard Bach's 48 preludes and fugues, or first learned from Hamlet and King Lear(/I> that the complexities and contradictions of human nature could be spelled out on the stage. This being so, it is a great exasperation to come face to face with new art and not make anything of it. Stared down by something that we don't like, don't understand and can't believe in, we feel personally affronted, as if our identity as reasonably alert and responsive human beings had been called into question. We ought to be having a good time, and we aren't. More than that, an important part of life is being withheld from us; for if any one thing is certain in this world it is that art is there to help us live, and for no other reason.

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    If there is anyone who owes everything to Bach, it is certainly God.

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    It [Bach's cello suites] is like a great diamond," said [Mischa] Maisky in a thick Russian accent, "with so many different cuts that reflect light in so many different ways.

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    O trabalho de Bach é impedir que o espaço fuja. Que fuja para o neutro. O trabalho de Aossê [Pessoa] é procurar saber o que é esse que vem do que sente, e corre para onde não mais se sente.

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    We reviewed the ways we had to bring customers: Method A, flying aerobatics at the edge of town. Method B, the parachute jump. Then we began experimenting with Method C. There is a principle that says if you lay out a lonely solitaire game in the center of the wilderness, someone will soon come along to look over your shoulder and tell you how to play your cards. This was the principle of Method C. We unrolled our sleeping bags and stretched out under the wing, completely uncaring.

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    Wouldn't it be nice if there weree a planet where the sound of rain falling is like Bach?" he says. "Yes, Planet Bach," I respond. He smiles -"Yes", he murmurs- picturing it, hearing it.

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    Magnificat de Bach. Remué jusqu'aux larmes. Il est impossible que ce qui s'y exprime n'ait qu'une réalité subjective. L'« âme » doit être de la même essence que l'absolu. Et c'est le Vedânta qui a raison.

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    Others, tiring of the sound of Buxtehude and Bach for hours on end, would complain there was no tune. That was exactly the thing he liked best about a fugue, the fact that it could not be sung. A fugue was not singular, as a melody was, but plural. It was a conversation.

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    Sunetele clădeau geometria solida a unor oraşe albe inundate de o lumină egală, ce se difuza repetat. Prin acele cetăţi minunate trecea radioasă. Portativul era un amfiteatru feeric pe care se proiecta arhitectura marmoreeană a palatelor. Pe temelia coardelor notele punctau desenul grădinilor, arpegiile curbau colinele şi din cheia de sol căderi de apă trimiteau un şipot fluid sau numai o pânză de răcoare, un păianjen vaporos ca răsfirarea fină a unui jet d`eau. Apoi seara cădea în acorduri minore peste cetăţi. Ritmul cu frază largă sau şoapta minuţioasă a lui Bach nu părăseau niciun moment o idee gravă, o emoţie concentrată, cu desenul tras sigur printre meandrele armonioase. Sunetele scoteau reliefurile unor efigii nobile, şi modulaţiile aveau sugestii virtuoase. Se înălţau rugăciunile simple ale unor iubiri fără duplicitate cu ascensiune senină; iubiri înălţate de un suflet victorios, dar fără de fast şi vanitate, trecând peste obstacole de măiestria sufletească. Şi mereu acea siguranţă care lega cetăţile vizionare ale muzicii una de alta cu un ţărm neîntrerupt şi lin. Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu "CONCERT DIN MUZICĂ DE BACH