Best 6566 quotes in «stories quotes» category

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    The fundamental story arc of the Bible is God is passionate about rescuing this world, restoring it, renewing it.

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    The future is itself a story, and predictions are stories we tell to amaze ourselves, to give hope to the desperate, to jolt the complacent.

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    The future of cinema and communications is all about collaboration and the decentralized control of storytelling. We're all part of the story; we can all contribute and participate.

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    The future depicted in a good SF story ought to be in fact possible, or at least plausible. That means that the writer should be able to convince the reader (and himself) that the wonders he is describing really can come true... and that gets tricky when you take a good, hard look at the world around you.

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    The fun thing about doing origin stories is you are introducing the audience to characters.

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    The germ of a story is a new and simple element introduced into an existing situation or mood.

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    The girls with prettiest smiles seem to tell saddest stories

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    The God-honest truth is that Jeff and I just do what we do. You have no control. We didn't have control last year, or the year before either, or the year before that. We can only do what we do, which is to make the show that we love, continue to follow the path for the stories that we want to tell, tell great and compelling stories, week-to-week, that interest our fans, and really hope for the best.

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    The greatest religions convert the world through stories.

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    The greatest story commandment is: Make me care.

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    The greatest untold story is the evolution of God.

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    The great thing about Batman and Superman, in truth, is that they are literally transcendent. They are better than most of the stories they are in.

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    The great thing about having spent all this time on film sets is that I've been able to watch directors and how they work. I now know that this is what I want to do as well: to tell stories visually. But it's definitely my vision that I want to put across, nobody else's.

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    The genius of a folk melody or story is not the feeling that it's original but quite the opposite - the feeling that it has existed all along.

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    The "germ," wherever gathered, has ever been for me, "the germ of a story," and most of the stories strained to shape under my hand have sprung from a single small seed, a seed as remote and windblown as a casual hint.

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    The gift of literature is that, in some lucky cases, reading a novel or a story makes the reader more curious, more open-minded.

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    The genres change but all of my stories feature ordinary people thrown into frightening, life-altering situations.

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    The goal is always about the next story. It's always about the thing I haven't done before. It's about learning, or it's about becoming better, and it's about whatever story grabs hold of me.

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    The goal of storytelling should be to make stories as ubiquitous as music.

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    The gospel is not just the illustration (even the best illustration) of an idea. It is the story of actions by which the human situation is irreversibly changed.

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    The good stories, of course, write themselves. And somebody wants to know who are the really good writers, and how many of them there are. There aren't any. Most of the writers are likeable frauds. Some are unlikable frauds.

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    The graphic novel? I love comics and so, yes. I don't think we talked about that. We weren't influenced necessarily by graphic novels but we certainly, once the screenplay was done, we talked about the idea that you could continue, you could tell back story, you could do things in sort of a graphic novel world just because we kind of like that world.

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    The funny thing is, whenever I'm working on something, I kind of forget there's a lot of people watching. It makes it easier to be in the moment and to tell a story as well as possible.

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    The guys on the ground are the guys I care about. I've had the most satisfaction telling their stories. But when you're in combat with somebody, yes, a bond does grow.

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    The happy story right now is the full page in Vanity Fair, which gives me a great deal of exposure.

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    The hardest part for me during the creation stage is actually putting words on paper that make sense and tell my story the way I see it. I sometimes feel I am slogging through quicksand when I write.

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    The hardest thing for me to do, and the best thing I've done and learned as an actor is to sacrifice being funny in certain circumstances in order to do something that makes sense for the story or the character, or emotionally.

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    The healing that can grow out of the simple act of telling our stories is often quite remarkable.

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    The head of a Pike, served at supper, is said to have caused the death from terror of Theodoric the Goth, who imagined the fish's features to be those of Symmachus, a man he had just killed. But for this story, we of today would have no idea what Symmachus looked like.

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    The great success stories of chemotherapy were always in relatively obscure types of cancer. Childhood leukemia constitutes less than two percent of all cancers and many of chemotherapy's other successes were in diseases so rare that many clinicians had never even seen a single case

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    The highest morality may prove also to be the highest wisdom when the half-told story comes to be finished.

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    The history of Israel and Judaism is the unfolding of the meaning of this story. It's retelling is never finished and will not be until the Kingdom.

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    The history of life is more adequately represented by a picture of 'punctuated equilibria' than by the notion of phyletic gradualism. The history of evolution is not one of stately unfolding, but a story of homeostatic equilibria, disturbed only 'rarely' (i.e. rather often in the fullness of time) by rapid and episodic events of speciation.

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    The Holocaust story has been told and retold so many times.

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    The history of the United States is the story of people of many backgrounds.

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    The human species thinks in metaphors and learns through stories.

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    The human mind is a story processor, not a logic processor.

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    The human race has always defined itself through narration. That isn't going to change just because we've gone electronic. What is changing is that now we're allowing corporations to tell our stories for us.

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    The humorous story is American, the comic story is English, the witty story is French. The humorous story depends for its effect upon the manner of the telling;the comic and the witty story upon the matter.

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    The human longing for story is so powerful, so primitive, that it seems like something not learned, but locked into our genes.

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    The idea of starting with that Kanye [West] song is declarative. It says, "This is the kind of story we're telling.

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    The imagery is very much released from reality. It's not nailed down to specifics of the words. They're painting a picture, not telling linear stories.

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    The idea that women journalists bring a different taste in stories or sensibility isnt true.

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    The illusion is an agreement between the reader and writer that this [story] will be like life. The emotional temperature drops when you have footnotes.

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    The images in a picture book are the driving forces that tell the story. The words tell only what the pictures can't.

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    The greatest directors are the greatest users. They use people's talents to tell the story that they want to tell.

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    The improbability of a malicious story serves but to help forward the currency of it, because it increases the scandal. So that, in such instances, the world is like the pious St. Austin, who said he believed some things because they were absurd and impossible.

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    The incredible thing happens at the beginning of the story always, you notice, not the end. A Sherlock Holmes story is never a trick story.

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    The inner spaces that a good story lets us enter are the old apartments of religion.

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    The inside jokes weren't jokes anymore. They had become stories. Nobody brought up the bad names or the bad times. And nobody felt sad as long as we could postpone tomorrow with more nostalgia.