Best 11 quotes of Carolyn Crane on MyQuotes

Carolyn Crane

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    Carolyn Crane

    A kiss with the right person simply can't be compared to the drudgery of sleeping with the wrong one over and over.

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    Carolyn Crane

    Choice is illusion, same as happiness and freedom.

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    Carolyn Crane

    Fashion magazine disease articles. My personal Kryptonite.

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    Carolyn Crane

    Sometimes you have to be a bad person to save yourself, and it takes a little chunk out of your soul, but you do it anyway.

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    Carolyn Crane

    A voice: “My goodness, Nurse Jones.” I look up, startled. Simon’s in the doorway, leaning against the frame, smiling. No doubt I’m quite the sight in my bloody, sexy nurse’s outfit, sitting on a bed next to a tied-up, taped-up target. “Oh, please.” I collect my purse, my phone and my stun gun and walk around the bed. Simon’s smile reaches deep into his dark blue eyes. He has a long face and delicate features for a man. I grab the sleeve of his black jacket and pull him into the outer room. “What the fuck are you wearing? You look insane,” he says. “This? This is the creepy outfit the Alchemist put me in after he kidnapped me.” Simon stops smiling. “Are you okay?” “Yeah.

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    Carolyn Crane

    I'm used to desperate, buddy. Desperate's my factory default. But thanks anyway.

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    Carolyn Crane

    Love is a state of the heart, but also, an activity. And quite an awesome one.

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    Carolyn Crane

    Packard wrestles off his jacket and shirt. He ignores me, leaning far over to the side, reaching down into the rocks. He comes back with a handful of slime, which he swipes across his chest, smearing it over the solid planes of his muscles. “What the hell are you doing?” “Interfering with his concentration. Vulnerability and a lack of logic will disturb him. And the bricks exert a pull…” “Hold up!” he calls out. “I have to tell you something! Midcity is purchasing the Great Wall of China!” What? Has he gone insane? “Midcity is importing the wall, brick by brick, right now!” He strides, totally unprotected, toward where the Brick Slinger hides. “They’re bringing it here on a boat, in its raw brick form, to be deposited in the Maverick’s stadium!

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    Carolyn Crane

    Then I level my smile at Simon, and this smile is one I do feel, and it’s definitely an activity, too — the activity of fist suppression.

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    Carolyn Crane

    Up ahead stands the fun house, which you enter through a clown’s smiling mouth. “I would kill myself if I was prisoner here,” Shelby says. “No, you wouldn’t, just out of courtesy,” I say, “because your body would be trapped in there after you die, and your friends would have to watch your corpse rot.” “Hmm,” Shelby says. “Smell it too.” “Well, now we’re looking on the bright side,” Packard says.

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    Carolyn Crane

    What’s more, his faded old jeans hugged his ass perfectly as he stepped forward to toss a ring, and then they loosened as he stepped back. Hug, loosen, hug, loosen, hug, hug…hug…loosen. Jeans all perfectly rumpled right down to his dull, black boots. No doubt he chose those jeans specifically for their butt-hugging abilities. He probably practiced that hug-promoting movement in the mirror.