Best 11 quotes of Hiro Mashima on MyQuotes

Hiro Mashima

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    Hiro Mashima

    All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades. So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world.

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    Hiro Mashima

    Anime is not the end. Don't stop believing.

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    Hiro Mashima

    If you're a guild, treat your comrades right. That's all I wanted to say.

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    Hiro Mashima

    I remembered... It was the colour of your hair. Farewell...Erza. ~I'm Jellal Fernandez. What about you, Erza?(I'm Erza. Just Erza.) Well, that's kind of sad. Ohh!(Hey...What are you doing?!)It's such a pretty scarlet colour...I know! We'll give you the last name of Scarlet!(Erza...Scarlet) It's the colour of you hair! Nobody will ever forget that!~(Jellal...)

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    Hiro Mashima

    The world doesn't need any more sadness than it's already got.

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    Hiro Mashima

    The worst kind of pain is when you're smiling just to stop the tears from falling.

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    Hiro Mashima

    This is a classic story of the friendship between humans and cats. Yes. I got in a lie right from the start!

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    Hiro Mashima

    I'm with you.

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    Hiro Mashima

    It's your words that gave me courage. It became my light that would guide me towards the right path again. -Jellal Fernandes

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    Hiro Mashima

    Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignificant, and you must never forget about your friends for as long as you live.

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    Hiro Mashima

    Well now, lookie here? Some pretty strong lookin' dudes all lined up for us... Now that's what I call hospitality.