By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
A brave man hazards life, but not his conscience.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Accursed be he who plays with the devil.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
A childlike mind in its simplicity practises that science of good to which the wise may be blind.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
A deep meaning often lies in old customs.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Aesthetic matters are fundamental for the harmonious development of both society and the individual.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Against stupidity, God Himself fights in vain.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
A gloomy guest fits not a wedding feast.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
A healthy nature needs no God or immortality
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Ah, to that far distant strand Bridge there was not to convey, Not a bark was near at hand, Yet true love soon found the way.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Alas! When duty grows thy law, enjoyment fades away.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled one is truly vanquished.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
An axe at home saves hiring a carpenter.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
An honest man you may form of windle-straws, but to make a rogue you must have grist.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
A noble heart will always capitulate to reason.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
A noble soul spreads even over a face in which the architectonic beauty is wanting an irresistible grace, and a often even triumphs over the natural disfavor.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Anyone taken as an individual is tolerably sensible and reasonable - as a member of a crowd, he at once becomes a blockhead.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
A pity about the people! they are brave enough comrades, but they have heads like a soapboiler's.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Appearance rules the world.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Appearance should never attain reality, And if nature conquers, then must art retire.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Around, around, Companions all, take your ground, And name the bell with joy profound! CONCORDIA is the word we've found Most meet to express the harmonious sound, That calls to those in friendship bound.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Arrow-swift the present sweepeth, and motionless forever stands the past.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Art is difficult, transient is her reward.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Art is the daughter of freedom.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Art is the right hand of Nature. The latter has only given us being, the former has made us men.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
As freely as the firmament embraces the world, or the sun pours forth impartially his beams, so mercy must encircle both friend and foe.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
As freely as the firmament embraces the world, so mercy must encircle friend and foe. The sun poursforth impartially his beams through all the regions of infinity; heaven bestows the dew equally on every thirsty plant. Whatever is good and comes from on high is universal and without reserve: but in the heart's recesses darkness dwells.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
As inclination changes, thus ebbs and flows the unstable tide of public judgment.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
As noble Art has survived noble nature, so too she marches ahead of it, fashioning and awakening by her inspiration. Before Truth sends her triumphant light into the depths of the heart, imagination catches its rays, and the peaks of humanity will be glowing when humid night still lingers in the valleys.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
A virtuous name is the precious only good, for which queens and peasants' wives must contest together.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Be noble minded! Our own heart, and not other men's opinions of us, forms our true honor.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Be true, and thou shalt fetter time with everlasting chain.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
But how is the artist to protect himself against the corruption of the age which besets him on all sides?
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Chains of iron or of silk-both are chains.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Cling to thy native land, for it is the land of thy fathers?
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Courage, ne'er by sorrow broken! Aid where tears of virtue flow; Faith to keep each promise spoken! Truth alike to friend and foe!
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Cowards have done good and kind actions, but a coward never pardoned.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Culture, far from giving us freedom, only develops, as it advances, new necessities; the fetters of the physical close more tightly around us, so that the fear of loss quenches even the ardent impulse toward improvement, and the maxims of passive obedience are held to be the highest wisdom of life.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Dare to be wrong and to dream.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Dare to err and to dream. Deep meaning often lies in childish plays.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Day's lustrous eyes grow heavy in sweet death.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Deaf rage that hears no leader.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Dear is my friend--yet from my foe, as from my friend, comes good: My friend shows what I can do, and my foe what I should.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Death is a mighty mediator. There all the flames of rage are extinguished, hatred is appeased, and angelic pity, like a weeping sister, bends with gentle and close embrace over the funeral urn.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Deeper meaning resides in the fairy tales told to me in my childhood than in the truth that is taught by life.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Deep meaning lies often in childish play.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Disappointments are to the soul what a thunderstorm is to the air.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Doch zittre vor der langsamen, Der stillen Macht der Zeit. Yet tremble at the slow, silent power of time.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Don't let your heart depend on things That ornament life in a fleeting way! He who possesses, let him learn to lose, He who is fortunate, let him learn pain.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Each state of the human mind has some parable in the physical creation by which it is shadowed forth; nor is it only artists and poets, but even the most abstract thinkers that have drawn from this source. Lively activity we name fire; time is a stream that rolls on, sweeping all before it; eternity is a circle; a mystery is hid in midnight gloom, and truth dwells in the sun. Nay, I begin to believe that even the future destiny of the human race is prefigured in the dark oracular utterances of bodily creation.