By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Votes should be weighed not counted.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
We are citizens of an age, as well as of a State; and if it is held to be unseemly, or even inadmissible, for a man to cut himself off from the customs and manners of the circle in which he lives, why should it be less of a duty, in the choice of his activity, to submit his decision to the needs and the taste of his century?
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
We are too prone to find fault; let us look for some of the perfections.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
We can never replace a friend. When a man is fortunate enough to have several, he finds they are all different. No one has a double in friendship.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
What else is chance but the rude stone which receives its life from the sculptor's hand? Providence gives us chance, and man must mould it to his own designs.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Whatever lives, lives to die in sorrow. We engage our hearts, and grasp after the things of this world, only to undergo the pang of losing them.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
What is life without the radiance of love?
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
What is the short meaning of the long speech?
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
What reason, like the careful ant, draws laboriously together, the wind of accident sometimes collects in a moment.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
What shall he fear that does not fear death.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
What the inner voice says will not disappoint the hoping soul.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
When the measured dance of the hours brings back the happy smile of spring, the buried dead is born again in the life-glance of the sun. The germs which perished to the eye within the cold breast of the earth spring up with joy in the bright realm of day.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
When the wine goes in, strange things come out.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
When you are not happy with your life, always think that someone is happy simply because you exist
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
While the womanly god demands our veneration, the godlike woman kindles our love; but while we allow ourselves to melt in the celestial loveliness, the celestial self-sufficiency holds us back in awe.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Who dares nothing, need hope for nothing.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Whoever fails to turn aside the ills of life by prudent forethought, must submit to fulfill the course of destiny.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Why should I deem myself to be a chisel, when I could be the artist?
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Will it, and set to work briskly.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Wise to resolve, patient to perform.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Without a home must the soldier go, a changeful wanderer, and can warm himself at no home-lit hearth.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Worthless is the nation that does not gladly stake its all on its honor.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Wouldst thou know thyself, observe the actions of others. Wouldst thou other men know, look thou within thine own heart.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Wouldst thou wisely, and with pleasure, Pass the days of life's short measure, From the slow one counsel take, But a tool of him ne'er make; Ne'er as friend the swift one know, Nor the constant one as foe.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Yes great people are always subject to persecution and always getting into straits.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Yet have I ever heard it said that spies and tale-bearers have done more mischief in this world than poisoned bowl or the assassin's dagger.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
You have to go the rounds from individual to individual in order to gather the totality of the race.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
You saw his weakness, and he will never forgive you.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Youth covets; let not this covetousness seduce you.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
You worthy critics, or whatever you may call yourselves, are ashamed or afraid of the momentary and passing madness which is found in all real creators, the longer or shorter duration of which distinguishes the thinking artist from the dreamer. Hence your complaints of unfruitfulness, for you reject too soon and discriminate too severely.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Bei uns wird nur selten eine Mariage geschlossen, wo nicht wenigstens ein halb Dutzend der Gäste - oder der Aufwärter- das Paradies des Bräutigams geometrisch ermessen kann.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Curious,' the Prince continued, after a deep silence, 'is it possible never to have known something, never to have missed it in its absence -- and a few moments later to live in and for that single experience alone? Can a single moment make a man so different from himself? It would be just as impossible for me to return to the joys and wishes of yesterday morning as it would for me to return to the games of childhood, now that I have seen that object, now that her image dwells here -- and I have this living, overpowering feeling within me: from now on you can love nothing other than her, and in this world nothing else will ever have any effect on you.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
It seems a bad thing and detrimental to the creative work of the mind if Reason makes to close an examination of the ideas as they come pouring in -at the very gateway, as it were. Looked at in isolation, a thought may seem very trivial or very fantastic; but it may be made important by another thought that comes after it, and in conjunction with other thoughts that may seem equally absurd, it may serve to form a most effective link. Reason cannot form any opinion on all this unless it retains the thought long enough to look at it in connection with the others. On the other hand, where there is a creative mind, Reason -so it seems to me- relaxes its watch upon the gates, and the ideas rush in pell-mell, and only then does it look them through and examine them in a mass.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Man is not better treated by nature in his first start than her other works are; so long as he is unable to act for himself as an independent intelligence she acts for him. But the very fact that constitutes him a man is that he does not remain stationary, where nature has placed him, that he can pass with his reason, retracing the steps nature had made him anticipate, that he can convert the work of necessity into one of free solution, and elevate physical necessity into a moral law.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
O friends, no more these sounds! Let us sing more cheerful songs, more full of joy!
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
Su interés en la obra es simplemente moral o simplemente físico, y no es precisamente lo que debe ser: estético. Lectores tales gozan de una poesía sería y patética como de un sermón, y de una poesía humorística e ingenua, como de una bebida embriagadora, y carecen lo bastante de gusto para exigir edificación en una tragedia o epopeya.
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By AnonymFriedrich Schiller
When I hate I rob myself of something; but when I love I become richer by the object I love.