Best 15 quotes of Hugh Masekela on MyQuotes

Hugh Masekela

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    Hugh Masekela

    All my experiences removed geography from my world.

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    Hugh Masekela

    I always make the joke that I go home, to one of my homes, to go and do laundry so I can go on the road again.

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    Hugh Masekela

    I don't think what I do is influenced by suffering. I come from a talented people who are prolific in music and dance.

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    Hugh Masekela

    I grew up with protests, marches, demonstrations, struggle. But I come from a clan of community workers.

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    Hugh Masekela

    I had to run away from home in order to be a musician. Because I came from a family of... my father was a health inspector; my mother was a social worker. And I was pretty smart in school. So they expected me to be some kind of academic - schoolteacher, or doctor, lawyer - and they were very disappointed when I told them I wanted to be a musician.

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    Hugh Masekela

    I just came from South Africa, a place that had been in a perpetual uprising since 1653, so the uprising had become a way of life in our culture and we grew up with rallies and strikes and marches and boycotts.

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    Hugh Masekela

    In my view, Africa's real problems are cultural.

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    Hugh Masekela

    I think it is incumbent on all human beings to oppose injustice in every form.

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    Hugh Masekela

    I think that anybody from the 20th century, up to now, has to be aware that if it wasn't for Louis Armstrong, we'd all be wearing powdered wigs. I think that Louis Armstrong loosened the world, helped people to be able to say "Yeah," and to walk with a little dip in their hip. Before Louis Armstrong, the world was definitely square, just like Christopher Columbus thought.

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    Hugh Masekela

    It's obvious that the rest of the world loves high African culture - African culture, period.

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    Hugh Masekela

    I've always stood on one fact - that all over the world, there are only two things, the Establishment and the poor people. The poor people are a massive majority and across the world they are exploited in different kinds of ways. The Establishment depends on exploiting raw materials and the poor.

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    Hugh Masekela

    I've got to where I am in life not because of something I brought to the world but through something I found - the wealth of African culture.

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    Hugh Masekela

    My biggest obsession is to show Africans and the world who the people of Africa really are.

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    Hugh Masekela

    The Afro-American experience is the only real culture that America has. Basically, every American tries to walk, talk, dress and behave like African Americans.

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    Hugh Masekela

    When I left South Africa in 1960 I was 20 years old. I wanted to try to get an education, and music education was not available for me in South Africa.