Best 8 quotes of Pat Mcbride on MyQuotes

Pat Mcbride

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    Pat Mcbride

    All the keys to joy can be reduced to these two. Laugh but at no one's expense and love but without expectation.

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    Pat Mcbride

    How little the color of a life jacket matters when we fall overboard. If something is important, it will be important under all circumstances. Otherwise, it's not important.

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    Pat Mcbride

    It matters not whether you win the race or not but that you cross the finish line with a smile and a bit of a laugh. Stress does not come from having too much on your plate. Stress comes from labeling too many of those things as very important. Discussing religion, no matter how in depth the discussion, should never be confused with actually practicing that religion.

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    Pat Mcbride

    Problems are gifts from heaven to help every one of us to grow but for those who are to grow the most, heaven bestows rejection.

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    Pat Mcbride

    Problems are gifts from heaven to help every one of us to grow but for those who are to grow the most, heaven bestows rejection. Today is not bad just because yesterday seemed better. All the keys to joy can be reduced to these two. Laugh but at no one's expense and love but without expectation.

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    Pat Mcbride

    Today is not bad just because yesterday seemed better.

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    Pat Mcbride

    When there is a storm in your life, it is not the time to build. No creature on earth tries to build during a storm. Conserve your energy until the storm passes.

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    Pat Mcbride

    You would not go into an apple orchard and eat the weeds so why would you go into your day and feast on worries?.