Best 64 quotes of James Van Praagh on MyQuotes

James Van Praagh

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    James Van Praagh

    All things happen in their proper time. Everything in life happens in the time allocated for it. Don't waste energy worrying about end results. Worrying only distracts you from living day to day and enjoying life!

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    James Van Praagh

    As a spirit having a human experience, you can choose to not merely exist but to be fully conscious and aware of living in a limited world. When you take a conscious part in life and its multitudes of choices, you won't let life happen to you - you will make life happen for you.

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    James Van Praagh

    At Death we are aware that we are more than just our physical bodies.

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    James Van Praagh

    Based on our natural heritage as the Divine Light of God, every one of us possesses intuition... defined as the language of the soul.

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    James Van Praagh

    Because our consciousness doesn’t die at death, we carry our mind-set of thoughts and beliefs with us to the other side. As in life, so in death. When we cross over into the other dimensions, we continue to create experiences through our thoughts, the same way we did in life.

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    James Van Praagh

    Be grateful for the love you have to share-share it, and it will return to you ten times over.

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    James Van Praagh

    Beliefs can be roadways or roadblocks. A variety of beliefs can make life interesting and colorful.

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    James Van Praagh

    Everything is energy. Thought is energy and thoughts are real things.

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    James Van Praagh

    Fear holds us back. Fear or love. That's all there is. We make all our decisions based on these two things.

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    James Van Praagh

    Following the path of love is always your soul's true desire.

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    James Van Praagh

    Follow your heart and be true to yourself. Never live the life of another. You have to create your own road.

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    James Van Praagh

    Forgiveness is not an occassional act; it is a permanent attitude.

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    James Van Praagh

    I am pretty specialized in people who pass over. Predictions are not my thing. Every medium is a psychic and every psychic is a medium. I do that occasionally but my specialty is spiritual pasts.

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    James Van Praagh

    I believe miracles are like seeds. When planted and watered by our attention and appreciation, they bloom.

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    James Van Praagh

    Ideas are merely sensations imprinted deep inside us...Like attracts like...There is great wisdom in the subconscious mind. If you begin to work with it, it can be of tremendous benefit to you and serve as an excellent reservoir of knowledge.

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    James Van Praagh

    I do like a good mystery. I'm reading Edgar Allan Poe now. I also like autobiographies.

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    James Van Praagh

    If you are centered in peace and think thoughts that are kind and loving, you will attract the same kind of ideas and feelings back to you. Remember, thoughts are like very powerful magnets!

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    James Van Praagh

    If you have an open, loving, positive attitude, anything burdensome in life can be lightened!

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    James Van Praagh

    If you're on the path you're meant to be on, everything falls into place; the Universe is telling you that. If you are not on the right path, you will experience roadblocks all along the way, and this is also the Universe telling you to stop, look, and ask if this is where you are supposed to be.

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    James Van Praagh

    If you're on the path you're meant to be on, everything falls into place; the Universe is telling you that.

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    James Van Praagh

    If you want to know what you are here to do, how you can be more loving, or how to get through a difficult situation, my answer is always meditate. The difference between prayer and meditation is that when we pray, we are asking for something, and when we meditate, we are listening to the answer.

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    James Van Praagh

    I had been doing private readings for ten years when my guides said, "We want you to reach more people." Then I said "How?" They said, "You're going to write a book." And I said, "Oh, yeah sure, I'm going to write a book. No way." But I did an outline. And I got pushed by my development circle.

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    James Van Praagh

    I just think it's a time where there is a lot of uncertainty. People are questioning life and the finality of life and what happens in the after life. I think sometimes when religions aren't answering certain questions people search elsewhere.

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    James Van Praagh

    I love people, studying people. That's the Scorpio part of me. We are natural detectives; we like to find things out.

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    James Van Praagh

    I think that as human beings we are all different. On a third dimensional level we're all different but there are two things we share in common... one is birth, and we know about that because we've been through it, we understand it, and the other is death.

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    James Van Praagh

    It's very important to instill values in children.

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    James Van Praagh

    I've been working in Hollywood for a long time now in many different aspects in front of the camera, behind the camera, and I've worked with top executives, presidents of networks. I've worked all around. I see energy and what's around these studios and a lot of these offices. You don't get the high positions in these companies if you don't take advantage of other people in some way. I've seen that around. I've seen that around the studios, whether it's producers or whoever. Egos are there. Greed.

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    James Van Praagh

    I want to teach parents how they can help their kids with death, grief, and losing things, the journey of life.

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    James Van Praagh

    Laugh every chance you get. Laughter is sure to break the bonds of negativity that may be lurking about.

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    James Van Praagh

    Love is never static, but always evolving. Love is simultaneously random and ordered, so intangible and yet a part of everything, and when we attempt to limit it or categorize it, we get into trouble.

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    James Van Praagh

    Meditation is a doorway to the soul.

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    James Van Praagh

    Once you realize you're a spiritual being, you see life so differently. You respect things. You're more responsible to yourself and others.

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    James Van Praagh

    Our connection with our intuitive self is ever present and always a part of ourselves.

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    James Van Praagh

    Our fears can cause us to miss out on a lot of experiences and golden opportunities. Don't let your fears rob you of your life.

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    James Van Praagh

    Our souls cannot be forced to grow, but like flowers, our spiritual selves can be nurtured until they blossom and flourish.

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    James Van Praagh

    Recognize that you are a spiritual being who is part of a large cosmic family of spiritual beings. You have the power, strength, and talent to fulfill your own individual earthly destiny.

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    James Van Praagh

    Spiritual evolution is part of every soul's destiny on Earth, and each soul grows and evolves at a different rate. You are right where you need to be.

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    James Van Praagh

    The burden of regret can weigh us down heavily on our spiritual journey. The best way to release regret is to forgive ourselves.

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    James Van Praagh

    The more flexible we become in our thinking and being, the more we open ourselves to self-awareness & growth.

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    James Van Praagh

    The more we make an effort to keep our thoughts positive, the more pleasurable our journey in life will be.

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    James Van Praagh

    There is a higher more powerful part of you. Your higher self will come through your intuition, coincidences and synchronicity of all kinds.

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    James Van Praagh

    The spirits talk of many levels. It's not a physical level where you go up the steps to get to the next one. It's consciousness and how evolved spiritually you are.

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    James Van Praagh

    The spirit world is able to get through to you easily when your mind is still and clear. Meditation is often referred to as 'sitting in the silence.' Whenever you want to reach Spirit from this side of life, start by sitting in the silence.

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    James Van Praagh

    The time has come for us to envision ourselves as spiritual beings of light and love.

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    James Van Praagh

    The universe is limitless and so are you. There is a limitless supply of good that the universe wants to show you. Step out of the way and let it be!

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    James Van Praagh

    Think of today as an opportunity to discover and grow beyond your mental and emotional discomfort.

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    James Van Praagh

    Thoughts are like bullets. They go right to you. You're like the target. When you walk around and you are depressed or there is fatigue or a behavior which you're not used to, that can be someone else's energy on you. You need to know how to clean that off. Also people want to contact loved ones who have passed over.

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    James Van Praagh

    Thoughts are like bullets. You should be aware when you walk into a building what energy is there, whose thoughts are there. People should realize when people think of you their thought is on you.

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    James Van Praagh

    Thoughts are very real, even if we can't see them. They create real & powerful feelings & experiences.

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    James Van Praagh

    Trusting your intuition is like learning to ride a bike. Everything takes practice before it becomes second nature.