Best 15 quotes of Cuba Gooding on MyQuotes

Cuba Gooding

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    Cuba Gooding

    As an actor you have to bring to the table your creative input. But when a director like Ridley Scott says I want you to do this this way, you know when he gets to the editing room he has a reason for it. Its like watching a masterpiece.

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    Cuba Gooding

    Before I was an actor I was a break dancer, one of those street performers you see. I guess my introduction into the professional world of performing was a stint as back up dancer for Lionel Richie and I performed at the closing ceremony at the '84 Olympics.

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    Cuba Gooding

    Don't let people disrespect you. My mom says don't open the door to the devil. Surround yourself with positive people.

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    Cuba Gooding

    I am admiring of my fellow peers, black filmmakers and black actors and actresses.

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    Cuba Gooding

    I learned that not only am I a descendant of slaves, but that I am also a descendant of royalty, that there are politicians from the 1800s as well as Tuskegee Airmen in my lineage.

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    Cuba Gooding

    I'm an avid hockey fan and I've been playing for about 17 years, and somebody recently told me that the first organized hockey teams in Canada were all black. Telling those stories would be cool.

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    Cuba Gooding

    I speak to my agent about great roles, and he's like, 'They are all going to Will Smith.

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    Cuba Gooding

    I understand it all. I can write my own ticket for one or two movies. But if they're not the right ones, my ticket gets yanked. I understand that's how it works, and I'm okay with it.

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    Cuba Gooding

    I've always been a sucker for attention.

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    Cuba Gooding

    Jonathan Lynn is one of the last actors Orsen Welles used in a production. It was wonderful. He's very sharp, very sharp. It's funny I've been asked how weird it was to have a Brit do a church gospel movie

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    Cuba Gooding

    My wife and I have been together since 1986. I graduated in '86 and she graduated in '88. We began dating when she was 17. Actually she turned 18 when we started kissing and stuff.

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    Cuba Gooding

    The hardest part was when I was in high school not having a job and always being broke. I had to get to auditions without a car. I either took the bus or walked.

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    Cuba Gooding

    There are roles I want that my agency might not want me to do because of the subject matter or whatever. Or there are roles that people won't bring to me because they don't think I'll do it. And that is a big strain because an actor wants to act

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    Cuba Gooding

    What makes you think that what you know is any different from what I know? I had different teachers.

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    Cuba Gooding

    When I commit to a role, I always tell myself that role is king. That's the Bible. If I start to judge my character, than it's going to influence my performance, and I don't want that. I want to find the truth in the character.