Best 25 quotes of Amy Goodman on MyQuotes

Amy Goodman

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    Amy Goodman

    As journalist, I'm responsible to the American people, not to the military of the United States.

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    Amy Goodman

    A typical Ponzi scheme involves taking money from investors, then paying them off with money taken from new investors, rather than paying them from actual earnings.

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    Amy Goodman

    Beyond the borders of wealthy countries like the United States, in developing countries where most people in the world live, the impacts of climate change are much more deadly, from the growing desertification of Africa to the threats of rising sea levels and the submersion of small island nations.

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    Amy Goodman

    But for the media to name their coverage of the 2003 invasion of Iraq the same as what the Pentagon calls it — everyday seeing 'Operation Iraqi Freedom' — you have to ask: 'If this were state controlled media, how would it be any different?'

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    Amy Goodman

    Chelsea Manning attempted to commit suicide twice last year.

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    Amy Goodman

    [Chelsea] Manning leaked more than 700,000 classified files and videos to WikiLeaks about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and U.S. foreign policy.

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    Amy Goodman

    Chelsea Manning, who's now set to be free May 17th [2017], after Obama shortened her sentence from 35 years to seven. According to her attorneys, she is already the longest-held whistleblower in U.S. history.

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    Amy Goodman

    During a news conference, when he was standing with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President [Donald] Trump responded to a question from an Israeli reporter about the rise in anti-Semitic attacks - by boasting about his election victory.

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    Amy Goodman

    Going to where the silence is. That is the responsibility of a journalist: giving a voice to those who have been forgotten, forsaken, and beaten down by the powerful.

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    Amy Goodman

    Go to where the silence is and say something.

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    Amy Goodman

    Independent media can go to where the silence is and break the sound barrier, doing what the corporate networks refuse to do.

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    Amy Goodman

    In one of his final acts in office, President Obama shortened the sentences of 209 prisoners, pardoned 64 individuals .The list included Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning, longtime imprisoned Puerto Rican independence activist Oscar López Rivera and retired U.S. Marine Corps General James Cartwright. But missing from the list is 71-year-old Native American activist Leonard Peltier.

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    Amy Goodman

    I really do think that if for one week in the United States we saw the true face of war, we saw people's limbs sheared off, we saw kids blown apart, for one week, war would be eradicated. Instead, what we see in the U.S. media is the video war game.

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    Amy Goodman

    I've learned in my years as a journalist that when a politician says 'That's ridiculous' you're probably on the right track

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    Amy Goodman

    Journalism is the only profession explicitly protected by the U.S. Constitution, because journalists are supposed to be the check and balance on government. We're supposed to be holding those in power accountable. We're not supposed to be their megaphone. That's what the corporate media have become.

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    Amy Goodman

    Over the first two weeks of the Donald Trump administration, Steve Bannon has emerged as one of the most powerful figures in the White House. The New York Times ran an editorial posing the question, "President Bannon?" wrote, quote, "We've never witnessed a political aide move as brazenly to consolidate power as Stephen Bannon - nor have we seen one do quite so much damage so quickly to his putative boss's popular standing or pretenses of competence.

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    Amy Goodman

    People who are against hate are not a fringe minority, not even a silent majority, but are a silenced majority, silenced by the corporate media.

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    Amy Goodman

    So it is fair to ask, why not address the threat of climate change when it is still possible? Asad Rehman, of the international environmental group Friends of the Earth, who was in New York for the climate march, told me, “If we can find the trillions [of dollars] we’re finding for conflict whether there’s been the invasion in Iraq or Afghanistan or now the conflict in Syria, then we can find the kind of money that’s required for the transformation that will deliver clean, renewable energy.”

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    Amy Goodman

    [The media] are using a national treasure - that's what the public airwaves are. And they have a responsibility to bring out the full diversity of opinion or lose their licenses.

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    Amy Goodman

    The Pacifica Network is a vital cornerstone of our independent media landscape that depends on your financial support. Please donate today to safeguard the future of listener-powered community radio.

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    Amy Goodman

    The U.S. news media have a critical role to play in educating the public about climate change.

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    Amy Goodman

    War coverage should be more than a parade of retired generals and retired government flacks posing as reporters.

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    Amy Goodman

    We have to protect all journalists, and journalists have to be allowed to do their jobs.

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    Amy Goodman

    We must build a trickle-up media that reflects the true character of this country and its people. A democratic media serving a democratic society.

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    Amy Goodman

    While law-abiding Muslims are forced to hide in their homes, and animal-rights activists are labeled as terrorists for undercover filming of abusive treatment at factory farms, right-wing hate groups are free to organize, parade, arm themselves to the hilt and murder with chilling regularity. It’s time for our society to confront this very real threat.