Best 28 quotes of Lynne Mctaggart on MyQuotes

Lynne Mctaggart

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    At our most elemental, we are not a chemical reaction, but an energetic charge. Human beings and all living things are a coalescence of energy in a field of energy connected to every other thing in the world. This pulsating energy field is the central engine of our being and our consciousness, the alpha and the omega of our existence.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    At your next dinner party, try playing the following game. Challenge everyone around the table to produce a single drug that can cure people of an illness, other then antibiotics. If you come up with anything, stop whatever you are doing and call me.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    Health is a state of perfect subatomic communication and ill health is a state when communication breaks down. We become ill when our waves are out of sync.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    .. if all the information of the cosmos flows through our pores at every moment, then our current notion of our human potential is only a glimmer of what it should be.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    If we, on our most fundamental level, are packets of quantum energy constantly exchanging information with this heaving energy sea, it means that all of us connect with each other and the world at the level of the very undercoat of our being. It also means that we have the power to access much more information about the world than we realize.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    Intention appears to be something akin to a tuning fork, causing the tuning forks of other things in the universe to resonate at the same frequency

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    It's important to be able to simply ask the questions. Every single advance in science comes about because of courage to ask a question, an outrageous question. Like "Can a large heavy metal object fly if it goes fast enough with the right design?" People's worldviews are changed when they see that something unbelievable is possible. Airplane flight is now taken for granted. And so all wonderful advances start with an outrageous question.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    Nature has a drive for wholeness and has created us only in relationship like one giant superorganism. It's a fact there is a connection between atoms and all of us in relationship with each other and with our environment. In all of our societal relationships there is a bond so profound and intricate that it's impossible to say where one thing stops and another thing begins. So you see this mirrored in every aspect, from the subatomic world to the world that we're more familiar with. So competition ends up being a false creation in our society.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    One of the fundamental demonstrations of our natural instinct to Bond with each other is a will to give. Rather than domination, our most basic urge is to reach out to another human being, even at a cost to ourselves. Giving to others-the urge to empathize, to be compassionate, and to help others altruistically-is not the exception to the rule, but our natural state of being. Our impulse to connect with each other has developed an automatic desire to do for others, even at personal cost. Altruism comes naturally to us. It is selfishness that is culturally conditioned and a sign of pathology.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    Our natural state of being is in relationship, a tango, a constant state of one influencing the other. Just as the subatomic particles that compose us cannot be separated from the space and particles surrounding them, so living beings cannot be isolated from each other... By the act of observation and intention, we have the ability to extend a kind of super-radiance to the world.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    People can not be separated from their environment. Living consciousness is not an isolated unit. Human consciousness is increasing the order of the rest of the world and has an incredible power to heal ourselves and the world: in a certain sense we make the world as such, as we wish.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    Rather than a universe of static certainty, at the most fundamental level of matter, the world and its relationships were uncertain and unpredictable, a state of pure potential of infinite possibility.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    Sciences have the view of looking at the world as individual pieces and this has been going on now for about 300 years. Then we have the Darwinian myths that life is a struggle to survive. However all life is not about competition but about striving for wholeness. When we compete we are weak, and when we work together we are strong. My hope is that this will become common knowledge someday because this will transcend religion as we know it. We just need to start focusing on the commonalities of religion.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    The excitement that science possess is its ability to answer the big questions.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    The power of an intention multiplies, depending upon how many people are thinking the same thought at the same time.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    The power of mass intention may ultimately be the force that shifts the tide toward repair and renewal of the planet.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    There is no doubt that we are in crisis at this moment in our history. Most of this comes from our individualistic mind-set. And it is bringing us to the brink of extinction on many levels, but I think there are methods we can use to go beyond our individual beliefs. The main thing is to honor the relationship above being right or proving somebody wrong.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    The sociological evidence of the contagion of happiness and sadness suggests something quite remarkable: of all your relationships, of all the people capable of making you happiest or irritating you the most, those who have the greatest effect on your mood and even your state of health are those closest to hand.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    Through scientific experiment they'd demonstrated that there may be such a thing as a life force flowing through the universe - what has variously been called collective consciousness or, as theologians have termed it, the Holy Spirit.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    To be a true explorer is to carry on your exploration even if it takes you to a place you didn't particularly plan to go to.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    We are born to give; even though we are indoctrinated throughout our lives differently this simply is not what science tells us. It does seem that our natural state is to help others so I guess our goal is to find that natural state within ourselves.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    We have mirror neurons that mirror other human beings. In other words, if I'm smiling it tends to make other people with me smile also. Whether I'm happy or lonely, I will tend to have happy or lonely friends. The same thing happens with actions; if I make an act of generosity it tends to be passed on down through society. So I see small groups as being very important in having an effect on large groups.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    We need to realize that we are observers and creators, and in every moment that we are observing our world, we're constantly remaking it at every instant, and that we have to understand too that every last thought we have, every judgment we hold, is having an effect whether it's conscious or not. So of course the most important thing of all is to be aware of what we are thinking and to realize it has an effect on the world around us.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    What matters is not the isolated entity, but the space between things, the relationship of things – the Bond…Every conflict that occurs – whether between husband and wife, social or racial groups – is resolved only when we can fully see and embrace the space – the Bond – between us.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    Living consciousness somehow is the influence that turns the possibility of something into something real.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    Quantum physics findings show that consciousness itself created order - or indeed in some way created the world - this suggested much more capacity in the human being than was currently understood. It also suggested some revolutionary notions about humans in relation to their world and the relation between all living things. What they were asking was how far our bodies extended. Did they end with what we always thought of as our own isolated persona, or ‘extend out’ so that the demarcation between us and our world was less clear-cut? Did living consciousness possess some quantum field like properties, enabling it to extend its influence out into the world? If so, was it possible to do more than simply observe? How strong was our influence? It was only a small step in logic to conclude that in our act of participation as an observer in the quantum world, we might also be an influencer, a creator. Did we not only stop the butterfly at a certain point in its flight, but also influence the path it will take - nudging it in a particular direction? This explains action at a distance, what scientists call non locality. The theory that two subatomic particles once in close proximity seemingly communicate over any distance after they are separated.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    The most essential ingredient in creating our universe is the consciousness that observes it.

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    Lynne Mctaggart

    Why two (or whole groups) of people can come up with the same story or idea at the same time, even when across the world from each-other: "A field is a region of influence, where a force will influence objects at a distance with nothing in between. We and our universe live in a Quantum sea of light. Scientists have found that the real currency of the universe is an exchange of energy. Life radiates light, even when grown in the dark. Creation takes place amidst a background sea of energy, which metaphysics might call the Force, and scientists call the "Field." (Officially the Zero Point Field) There is no empty space, even the darkest empty space is actually a cauldron of energies. Matter is simply concentrations of this energy (particles are just little knots of energy.) All life is energy (light) interacting. The universe is self-regenreating and eternal, constantly refreshing itself and in touch with every other part of itself instantaneously. Everything in it is giving, exchanging and interacting with energy, coming in and out of existence at every level. The self has a field of influence on the world and visa versa based on this energy. Biology has more and more been determined a quantum process, and consciousness as well, functions at the quantum level (connected to a universe of energy that underlies and connects everything). Scientist Walter Schempp's showed that long and short term memory is stored not in our brain but in this "Field" of energy or light that pervades and creates the universe and world we live in. A number of scientists since him would go on to argue that the brain is simply the retrieval and read-out mechanism of the ultimate storage medium - the Field. Associates from Japan would hypothesize that what we think of as memory is simply a coherent emission of signals from the "Field," and that longer memories are a structured grouping of this wave information. If this were true, it would explain why one tiny association often triggers a riot of sights, sounds and smells. It would also explain why, with long-term memory in particular, recall is instantaneous and doesn't require any scanning mechanism to sift through years and years of memory. If they are correct, our brain is not a storage medium but a receiving mechanism in every sense, and memory is simply a distant cousin of perception. Some scientists went as far as to suggest that all of our higher cognitive processes result from an interaction with the Field. This kind of constant interaction might account for intuition or creativity - and how ideas come to us in bursts of insight, sometimes in fragments but often as a miraculous whole. An intuitive leap might simply be a sudden coalescence of coherence in the Field. The fact that the human body was exchanging information with a mutable field of quantum fluctuation suggested something profound about the world. It hinted at human capabilities for knowledge and communication far deeper and more extended than we presently understand. It also blurred the boundary lines of our individuality - our very sense of separateness. If living things boil down to charged particles interacting with a Field and sending out and receiving quantum information, where did we end and the rest of the world began? Where was consciousness-encased inside our bodies or out there in the Field? Indeed, there was no more 'out there' if we and the rest of the world were so intrinsically interconnected. In ignoring the effect of the "Field" modern physicists set mankind back, by eliminating the possibility of interconnectedness and obscuring a scientific explanation for many kinds of miracles. In re-normalizing their equations (to leave this part out) what they'd been doing was a little like subtracting God.