Best 18 quotes of Brigid Kemmerer on MyQuotes

Brigid Kemmerer

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    Can I tell you one thing?” Melonhead says. I swallow. “Sure.” “One day isn’t your whole life, Murph.” He waits until I look at him. “A day is just a day.” I scoff and slouch in the chair. “So what are you saying? That people shouldn’t judge me on one mistake? Tell that to Judge Ororos.” He leans in against the table. “No, kid. I’m saying you shouldn’t judge yourself for it.

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    Failure isn’t absolute.

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    I can appreciate that he wants to do it himself, but I'm kind of done with prideful men

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    If you can’t fix what’s wrong, you focus on what you can make right.

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    Irish grabbed her hand and kept the water directed at the wall. His voice cam across her radio. "Hannah. Wait. What do you see?" She stared. She saw fire. A lot of fire. But then a pattern started to emerge. "A message?" She guessed. Then she looked mroe closelt. "A star? What does that mean?" "That's not a star," said Irish. "But it's definitely a message." "It's not a star?" He let go of the hose, the water streaked across the flames on the floor. "No," he said. "That's a pentagram.

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    It [is] possible to be strong and yielding at the same time.

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    I wince. I have no idea what to say. "Do you want to hit me back? You can." "No, I don't want to hit you back, you idiot. I've sent you like thiry texts. Are you okay?" My eyebrows go up. "You are asking me if I'm okay?" "Yes." It's like the moment I realised Dad wasn't going to let me chase him out of my room. I want to crumple on the floor. "No," I say. "I'm not." "Then come on." I don't move. My head is spinning. "Where are we going?" "Downstairs. Get your gloves. If you need to throw punches, let's find something better than my face.

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    I wonder, if I keep faking it, will I eventually believe it? A part of me worries that I’ll keep faking it and completely forget what’s real at all.

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    Loneliness is a funny disease. You don’t realize how badly you’re infected until someone gives you a shot of contentment—and then it wears off

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    My left leg is clumsy and about to give way, but I mentally threaten to cut it off if it doesn't get me out of here. It listens.

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    One choice doesn’t determine your whole future.

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    She almost wished she smoked, so she could lie on the car’s hood, flick a lighter, and make up names for the constellations while nicotine burned her lungs.

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    There are dead bodies at my feet and children whimpering in the snow. Any minute, my brain is going to catch up and I'm going to collapse into sobs. Instead, I saw the only thing my addled mind can come up with. "Thanks.

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    We are all dealt a hand at birth. A good hand can ultimately lose - just as a poor hand can win - but we must all play the cards the fate deals. The choices we face may not be the choices we want, but they are choices nonetheless.

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    When you’re sure of what you want, I’ll be right here.

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    When you've lost everything,' he says, 'sometimes you don't see anything wrong with taking a little back.

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    You know what sucks about sorry? It's the worst word in the world. Because it always happens after you fuck up something good.

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    Brigid Kemmerer

    You want to know what I believe? I believe in fate, but I also believe in free will. Meaning, there's a path, but we're free to veer away from it. The only problem is that there's no way to know whose path we're following on any given moment. Our own? Our fate's? Other people are on their on paths, too. What happens when we intersect? What happens when someone else wipes our path clean, and we're left with no road to follow? Is that fate? Is that when free will kicks in? Is the path there, but invisible? Who the hell knows?