Best 7 quotes of Thomas P. M. Barnett on MyQuotes

Thomas P. M. Barnett

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    Thomas P. M. Barnett

    Great powers reserve the right to police bad actors in their neighborhoods.

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    Thomas P. M. Barnett

    If you can get out in front of people with your ideas and your execution, you'll attract the people who need to be pulled in.

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    Thomas P. M. Barnett

    Run with what works: Sell to the people who believe in you and are willing to take the chances and make the experience happen.

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    Thomas P. M. Barnett

    What makes a terrorist? Are the drivers primarily political or economic? Princeton economist Alan Krueger has made a great study of this question...What Makes a Terrorist lacks a question mark. That's because Krueger, marshaling persuasive statistics and analysis, comes down firmly on the side of politics, noting most terrorists are middle-class and well-educated.

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    Thomas P. M. Barnett

    Wikistrat is my ninth start-up, so I've been through this process a few times. You have to go with what works. The power of example is compelling, so model the ideas that you want someone to understand.

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    Thomas P. M. Barnett

    Women waited 144 years before earning suffrage. If a mature, multiparty democracy was so darn easy, everybody would have one.

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    Thomas P. M. Barnett

    You cant drag people from understanding to action. A customer isnt actually at the last mile if youre the one dragging her to the finish line.