Best 5 quotes of Pramila Jayapal on MyQuotes

Pramila Jayapal

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    Pramila Jayapal

    Part of comprehensive immigration reform is not just the path to citizenship for undocumented workers, but also the ability for families to be together.

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    Pramila Jayapal

    The immigration system is broken and it needs to be fixed. And it needs to be fixed comprehensively, because this country depends on immigrant workers, but we don't have a system that reflects that. Our system is absolutely antiquated.

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    Pramila Jayapal

    We [Americans] really need a system that comprehensively looks at the fact that we need these workers in the United States, we need to be able to provide a pathway to citizenship. We need to be able to allow them to be here legally and to do the work that they are doing and that we need.

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    Pramila Jayapal

    This is all very personal for me, but it's also collective, and the two are not disconnected. I have never believed that you only advocate for the things that you stand for and embody. I've always believed that our liberation, my liberation, is tied up with yours. To make a country that works for me, there's gotta be a country that works for you.

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    Pramila Jayapal

    You can't lock yourself up and make yourself completely safe. You can't. It's not possible.