Best 80 quotes of Himmilicious on MyQuotes


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    87 % of youngsters have backache, and rest of 13 % have no computer..!

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    A bestseller is a book written by a rich person of Indian roots staying in Europe for more than a decade..

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    Actions speak louder than voice but words hurt harder than punches

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    After breaking her confidence he became a socialite and she sought cure for her self doubts and prejudice..

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    after wasting the most romantic expressions on the useless men I realised you love others the way you want to get loved..

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    Anything that makes you laugh, giggle or smile.. Do it again..

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    Arrogance never takes you anywhere. If you're arrogant and try to subvert your subordinates just remember time changes and you May not be in the position someday. They are younger and they will be in the power at that time. Power and position is never slave to someone, it moves with time.

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    A snake must be treated as a snake, forgiving it every time it showed you its fangs, will not transform into a garland of flowers.

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    A woman settles down when she meets a gentleman among escaping chickens, funny baboons, and tricky hyenas . I'm yet to meet a homosapien.

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    Being selfless is the biggest wiring mistake in us.

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    Being understanding is a curse because even if they hurt you,they are convinced "you will understand

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    Casting sarcasm ain't easy.. It needs hard work and a big mug of cappuccino!

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    Darn! what a beautiful night! Heading towards Pandara Road-Gulati Restaurant, with open windows of my baby sedan and this broad chest guy with big brown eyes. He hums the oldies well and his Issey Miyake is making me lose the grip over my senses. One more thing is distracting me, he ain't wearing anything inside but a transparent white, V necked, cotton short Kurta. I can see the hair winking out and his collar bones!! Not only men get excited by transparent dresses but women as well. His broad shoulders and chest is my weakness and he knows it. This man is not doing good to me! It's a crime to seduce in this way, when you are not touched, when you are distracted by the aroma of his skin, when you know, he is well aware of the intentions.. when you can't do anything except getting seduced by the corner stretching smile of a man with animal instinct.. I certainly am missing myself to be tied up to the bedpost,choked and groaning his name!

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    Dear headphones. Will you please stop fucking each other. It takes too much time to set you guys apart. Thanks

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    Don't castrate, But educate, At least to masturbate!

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    Do question, even the basics! You will be a fool for once! If you don't, you will be, for a lifetime..

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    Expectations are hot air balloons filled with pain, you feel happy to see them going up with time and when they burst, it hell hurts!! Follow my writings on #yourquote #quote #stories #ttt #qotd #quoteoftheday #wordporn #quotestagram #wordswag #life #wordsofwisdom #inspirationalquotes #inspiration #writeaway #love #thoughts #poetry #instawriters #writersofinstagram #writersofig #writersofindia #igwriters #igwritersclub

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    Facebook without friends is like a hospital with no relative and a few medical attendants to ask about you at scheduled time.. Life without friends is like the coffin about to get buried into the graveyard..

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    Fame is the responsibility, the perennial discipline, the concubine who solicits and imbibes, bit by bit, the love, the relations, the serenity, and the soul, leaving behind the subaqueous plaudits that pinch to the core..

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    Hesitation and the fear of being judged kills more relationships than misunderstanding and arguments.

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    I am not sad, nor I am satisfied and made my peace with circumstances, never, I don't compromise. The major challenge of walking alone without guidance you get late. You reach, because you didn't quit walking but when you reach there, you see a crowd whining at you.

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    I believe in success. No matter how much the hard work sucks, the triumph is just like good sex!

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    I don't worship God may be because I am not afraid of him.. yes.. I find lord Shiva a man.. man worth exploring.. mad.. with all emotions at extreme level.. full of anger yet calm.. always high.. and above all.. he is hot!!!

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    If all of a sudden the number of friend requests in your profile increases, understand that the thirty days block period of people is over..

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    If being alone makes you sad and weak then you need to learn how to love yourself first.

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    If it takes lots of patience,sacrifice and devotion to achieve the thing you've desired, for sure you have set your targets high and you're going through immense pain to reach there. Just don't quit.

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    If you are a writer and you write/understand sarcasm please be thankful to the government and the masses. Without their hard work and supreme idiotism it wouldn't have been possible. You owe them the brutal sarcasm, they've earned it!

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    If you don't feel drowsy after lunch and don't yawn in the office, you're not a perfect employee!

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    If you're good at something, never let your friends know, because for their purpose,they will make you do it for free

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    If your partner has ever humiliated you.. he can never respect you all over again ..

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    If you will use your fingers to count your own mistakes, you won't have time to finger others.

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    I miss those kisses and the way I used to sleep in your warm hug. I miss the way you made me eat breakfasts and I miss the way you made me laugh. I miss you..

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    I really wished to be like him so that he could feel the way I did but I realised I couldn’t hurt him so bad that he could damage the ability of some other person to trust someone else ever in his life.. he becomes a self loathing person.. he becomes someone is always filled with pain of being subjected, being used for pleasure and needs, being living in a constant feeling of not being enough.. I couldn’t become the manipulative person who could ruin someone’s confident in love and give a damn about it. I couldn’t become someone who could constantly lie and cheat to the person who stood by in thick and thin, did everything selflessly in the desire of getting loved the same way.. I really, really wanted to be like him.. I couldn’t.

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    I want to be the one who make stories, I want to hurt the way I get hurt, I want to experience how does it feel to be a cheater, a liar, a betrayer, to come up with quick stories to hide the faults, to know that I’ve hurt someone still blame the person for being mad but damn! I turn out to be the loyal one all the time who makes all the efforts to continue the relationship and stay honest and it hurts as fuck!

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    Love is to choose the same person every time you had choice to choose everyone else.

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    Loyalty is a choice you make to respect your partner, to realise the value of efforts one makes for you.. And that choice is easy to make when you love the person and understand how much the broken trust would hurt the person who loves you..

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    Never blame men, they have too many responsibilities because they live in a country where they are being taught to take up the burden since they get an erection.

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    Nothing is respectfully amazing than a man who finds no shame to tell the world how grateful he is for all the love and sacrifices his woman made..

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    Nude paintings and sculptures are called "art" only in the museums.. Outside of the museums, It is "Absurdity" and "Vulgarity". To respect your own creative talent and the prosperity of your "art", let only the Gurus critique, suggest and guide you; don't let your work be affected by others' choices and understandings.

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    Once you experience a major loss and survive, everything else after that you lose seems petty and doesn't affect you much.

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    One of the speechless situations is when the people you admire, people you follow, people you look forward to standby you and support you, people you are dedicated towards and people whom you consider self made and respectable, stand helpless in front of you when others cut you into pieces. They keep standing, they fumble, they are helpless. And you're just disappointed

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    Pain gives you will power to survive, to survive you have to fight, the struggle makes you strong. strength makes you mature, maturity makes you immune to the things that causes you pain. Things hurt today will not matter tomorrow, all you have to do, hold on and deal with it. Let this pain make you immune.

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    People pay attention to the things they want to listen, anything that doesn't please them is rubbish.

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    People who say money cant buy love have never been in relationship with a money minded person.

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    People who understand human behavior and personality tend to find flaws in every next person they meet, analyze their actions and develop bit sociopath nature.

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    Reading books would be boring if you lack imagination...

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    Relationship problems are for rich people. Poor people have things like hunger, Bills, Clothes, and medicine..

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    Since you are chosen by the Muse, your mind is always pregnant with an unstable roller-coaster of the creative itches. The utopian conjectures and hypotheses of perfect romance, fondles the fairyland.. It is like having the higher educational qualification than the eligibility criteria, either you choose to be jobless or you have to compromise and adjust with low salary, low designation and sometimes, you have to start from the cipher who eventually turns out to be a numbskull dick! Reason, why the crème de la crème sapiosexuals are slaugherous, cynical, sweetly sardonic, spouseless, and of course allergic to baloney and bullshits..

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    Size doesn't but dick matters!

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    Some people I see are so talented that they are just wasting their time on writing at Facebook. Talent must be productive..