By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
A familiarity had been activated in a reoccurring theme that had been ignited from a recognizable old pattern of self distancing behavior. The tone of Laura’s voice and the poise of her body language seemed to shrug at the expectations of Ed’s reconciliatory efforts. It felt to Ed as though their relationship was right back to the same rugged place that it had been at before their vacation; right back to a recondite square one. It seemed like any connecting that had been accomplished had all unraveled into a recoiled heap of uncertainty.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
AI is said by some to be able to think on its own, but I have thought of a way to demonstrate that it cannot. It would be easy for someone of influence to make the claim that AI is doing this or AI is doing that, but could they verify their claims by a demonstration that could in no way be controlled by a person behind the scenes? The answer is "no". They could not. My spellcheck test, however, could demonstrate that AI operates only on data that humans provide. AI cannot distinguish between words like too, to, or two. Or their, they're or there. Thus revealing that it is no more than a highly advanced human notebook.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
A moment of reflection would bring the light closer so that you could better see the red flag waving in front of your blind folded heart.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Are you hurting? Reach beyond yourself for comfort. Beyond the scope of your visual perimeter. Are you sad? Reach beyond yourself for joy. Beyond the limitations of the temporal. Beyond the boundaries of your five physical senses. Reach out to Jesus. Reach out by faith and be made whole.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Average minds think alike, but unique minds do not.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Did you notice the light that lit up the entire world? Did you feel its fascination pressing against your heart? While the tingling, vibrant emotion it projected caught all the principles of love and handed down in a miraculous way all the values of life.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Don’t be crushed under the oncoming tide of adversity that moves in to test your faith. Make sure that your foundation is built on the solid rock of Jesus Christ. Be ready for the storms of life and move forward in a confidence that cannot be shaken by the strong winds of hardship.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Fill your heart with truth so that the wisdom of Christ will flow fluently from you like a living river moving into the seeking hearts of the thirsty.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Fortuity is not based on intelligence of any kind. Furthermore, the theory of spontaneous evolvement would mean that a non intelligent nothing created everything—including beings with intelligence. That belief is clearly false and is clearly discredited by what I call “Demonstratable Logic.” It can be shown that it takes something to create something. It cannot be shown that nothing can create something. It can be shown that it takes intelligence to create something with intelligence (a man and a wife can have children). It can not be shown that something without intelligence can create something with intelligence (living beings don’t just form on their own). The theory of a self spontaneous universe is clearly discredited by my following two principles of logic. 1. It takes something to create something. 2. It takes something with intelligence to create something with intelligence.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Great men must go through great pain The strongest storms The hardest rain The toughest climbs The roughest terrain Great men must go through great pain
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Here’s something to consider: let’s say that you spent hours upon hours upon hours drawing a work of art that would become your masterpiece. Consider all of the time and effort it would take to design and get every detail exactly right. Then think about how ecstatic you would be, the exhilaration you would feel, upon its completion. Now then, after all of the time and hard work that you put into that project, how would you like it if someone came along and scribbled on it? How would that make you feel? Okay, considering that, how do you suppose it makes God feel when someone gets a tattoo?
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
I’m a man. A masculine man. I think like a man and I dress like a man. I walk like a man, and I talk like a man. I behave like a man, and I’m brave like a man. I shave like a man, and I wave like a man. I’m a Conservative man, a patriotic man. A doing something Republican man. A devout Christian man (who reads the Bible, and not the koran). A thankful to be an American man.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
In innocence everything has its truest meaning.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
(In response to a picture critic.) I'm actually a very joyful person. But being a genius with a photographic memory mixed with a strong case of OCD makes for a difficult picture sometimes.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Morning dew upon the grass, glistening in the sun. Yesterday’s gone, tomorrow may come, but this day has begun.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
My hands aren't yours to reach and grab. My feet aren't yours to walk. My back's not yours to ride and stab. My tongue's not yours to talk.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Sometimes there are moments in life that defy human reasoning; unique occurrences that simply cannot properly be resolved with the natural mind. So it’s only when one reaches further than themselves, and out into the unseen realm of faith, that life’s most miraculous moments can truly be discerned. For it is in these moments that God is making more known the reality of His existence; and more known to we who believe, the greatness of His power and love.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
So now you should be able to see what happened when the theory of evolution came along. The Gospel had been wide spread in America, and there were probably many who were wearing masks of pretense who were so exhausted from their daily “pious citizen” performance that they were just waiting for something like the theory of evolution to come along so that they could use it as an excuse to drop their act. To them, this would have been much better than the old fashioned golden calf, because they could follow this “ape to human” theory looking like intellectual giants instead of like rebellious sinful sellouts. They merely found them a new and improved version of a golden calf that they could better relate to. Afterall, golden calves are really just mirrors that are designed to not look like mirrors, and the theory of evolution is probably the best designed golden calf that there has been so far.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Study God’s word to show thyself approved and be prepared for the tests that we are given. They make our faith stronger and our character more mature, so that our lives better glorify the Lord.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Take a step in the right direction and you will find your smile again. It will be there beaming by the light of God’s amazing grace.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Tess passed by the Church’s sign, and then made the turn right. Her expectations for a degree of improvement were met with passed echoes of indecisive hand claps from mental bodied insecurities that infiltrated her subconscious with a disruptive applause in an attempt to divert her focus from the road of progression by putting it back on her publicized devastations.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
The door closed behind her, and Ed just stood there—unable to connect with the present reality. It was as though he had been zapped by a stun gun of words, and the effect had made him momentarily immobile. A few minutes passed, and he broke free from the paralyzing shock. He walked into the bedroom that he and Laura had once shared. Now, like him, it was missing her presence. Pictures had been taken off of the dresser, the scented candles were gone, and her pillow was not on the bed. He walked over to the closet, opened it up, and found that her clothes, and shoes were also gone. He looked around the half empty room, and found himself venturing into a tormenting cycle of confusion. A livid syrup had just been poured out onto a panicked waffle that had been setting on a perturbed plate for several daunting months, and Ed suddenly found himself acquiring an unhealthy appetite for destruction. Tears began to fall down his face, and an inward storm began to rage.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
The Intellectual Transcending Equation In Life: Occurrence Plus Perception Minus Materialistic Reasoning Divided By Nothing Equals Spiritual Progression, With A Remainder Of Blessings.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
The life that you choose to live will produce either positive or negative outcomes, and the conclusion will be based on the choices that you choose to make.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
The people inside were in intense worship; it seemed to Sarah like they were in another world or something. The pleasantness in the atmosphere drew her in. She felt welcomed, even though she had not been invited; noticed, even though she had not been seen; loved, even though she wasn’t known; and even though it didn’t make sense to her—it didn’t have to.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
The thoughts from a finite mind can at times be very similar to the clouds that move about over the surface of the earth. Both can cover a lot of ground, and can either disperse or increase in formation. Likewise—both are heavily influenced by the surrounding climate. Furthermore—a hard wind increases a fire’s spread, thunder proceeds a lightning strike, and when atmospheric water vapor accumulates, it produces clouds. Then, after an abundance of water has been condensed, the clouds will at some point release moisture; the rain/precipitation amount will range from the degree of abundance condensed. Similarly: an abundance of thoughts can also accumulate—eventually resulting in an overflow of emotion. The overflow can either be positive or negative—the determining factor relying on the characterization of the thoughts—whether they be positive or negative.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
The wind stirs through the trees, it moves the leaves, and it sways the branches—and yet it is unseen. The sound of it is detected, the effect of it is noticed, and yet it itself is unseen. In a way that is similar: the Spirit stirs in the heart, it moves emotions, it sways the mind, and by doing so causes a physical response to occur that defies human logic, and transcends perception.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Though science has contributed a considerable amount of good to the world, its materialized version’s primary contribution has been that of doubt, theories, and delusions, all customary in the make-believe reality of atheistic concepts.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Thundering, roaring, are the storms of life. Momentary hardships that, unveiled, reveal a purpose beyond carnal reasoning. The pain can get intense, the hurt can be severe, but one must look beyond themselves for conclusive answers. One must not examine their situations using finite logic to try to discover the deeper meaning behind the circumstance or its outcome. One must look beyond the surface of their own intellect, and see through the walls of their own understanding. The blueprint of life has been masterfully designed in such a way, that all things—no matter how they may seem—have a purpose; and that purpose will ultimately bring about a greater good overall. The spiritual realm is truly realities base; and it is from there that truth derives. The mystery of the storm is revealed—cause and effect—the past, the present, and the future.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
Tim blinked his eyes a few times, and then crossed a leg over in an attempt to regain a composure that would cover any visible traces of destructive inclinations possibly stored in any mental compartments in his emotional vehicle. He trembled a bit after catching a presumed glimpse of unstableness in himself through the second person perception of himself that could have possibly been perceived by his supervisor.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
What is known as AI is not a being that is capable of intellectual abilities. It is not even an it, though if classified as fiction could sustain such a reference. Programmed intelligence therefore - a title both factual and fitting.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
When there are over 211,000 homicide cases since 1980 that still remain unsolved in America, and the same scientists who claim that they can determine that the earth is 4.5 billion years old can’t solve them, I’d say that’s good verification that their assessments of evolution are mere assumption.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
When you have got the greatest mountain of hardship that you’ve ever faced to deal with, you also have the greatest opportunity to act on a stronger faith than you’ve ever acted on before.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
While I do see lots of repetitious writing among authors, that does not apply to all, and certainly not to me. Average minds think alike, but unique minds do not.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
You have got to build a firm foundation on the living word of God. You have got to study it, to store it in your heart, to gain the wisdom that it gives and apply it to your life.
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By AnonymCalvin W. Allison
You'll see me in the morning if you do not flood the street. You'll hear me in the evening if you don't drowned out the beat.