By AnonymSerena Jade
A Pill cannot make your Unconscious, Conscious.
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By AnonymSerena Jade
Are you looking to steal someone's Heart? Then you're on a quest to capture someone's interest! But, True Lovers have been given a gift, their invisible bond penetrates their Heart to pound together!" -Author Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
Eternity Shines through Time in the Presence of True Soul Mates!"-Author Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
I can feel the presence of a vault of heavenly stars shining upon her, a mysterious, supernatural light. Her captivating soul is putting me under a spell, and I can feel her rich, ethereal inner essence. This extraordinary encounter makes me feel as if I have just arrived at a temple. I have been given access to the Divine. As I enter the room where the holy of holies resides, I can feel the spark of the Almighty deep within her. Her intense vibrant force makes me want to cry, and I am struck by the realization of how very close to her I am
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By AnonymSerena Jade
In the sexual meditation, the boundaries interlock for the moment. However, outside the bedroom the boundaries must stay separate."-Author Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
Intuition is the lifeblood of a woman and the essential character of a man."-Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
Love and the traditional marriage doesn't necessarily go together like a horse and carriage." -Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
Never underestimate the Power of Working-out!"-Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
Opposites are attracted at first because we want the other person to complete us. But, no one can complete us because it is our job to make our personality/ego whole."- Author Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
Our Twin Soul is the ultimate soul mate:our deepest most-profound eternal love."-Serena jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
Our whole soul meets in heaven and the depth of the connection is imprinted on one another forever.
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By AnonymSerena Jade
Self-Knowledge is the Jewel of all Knowledge."-Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
Soul Mates mirror our Divine nature."-Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
Soul Mates psychically sense their Exalted Bond through the sweet whispers of their Soul."-Author Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
The Ego hungers for wholeness so, we want to own our lover as opposed to understanding, we need to become identified with their traits."-Author Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
The energy of subatomic particles transmits photons which interconnect in a wave like motion to similar particles. In other words, the immortal soul conveys energy which links in a wave like motion to related souls; thus Soul Mates.
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By AnonymSerena Jade
The Heart is the engine, the Brain is the steering wheel, and the Mind is the essence of the Body.
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By AnonymSerena Jade
The interdependent couple is the new setting and their knowledge of Self is an ancient treasure."-Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
The more I live, the more I know reincarnation is true.
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By AnonymSerena Jade
The soul cannot be perceived by the five senses.The soul speaks to us through our intuitive mind."-Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
The Soul is hiding under an Earthly mask-the Ego. Do you have the courage to lift the cover and be in Awe of the Eternal mystery?"-Author Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
The Soul is ineffable, therefore true Soul Mates are Indescribably Connected."-Author Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
The soul is trapped by the personality/ego.The personality/ego has to have a shift of a higher self-worth, then and only then, can the personality/ego can act on what the soul is saying." Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
The Soul is unconscious to most. Therefore, true soul mates are ahead of their time!
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By AnonymSerena Jade
The Tantric Man humps in a sensual press and release rhythm, while his lover blissfully enjoys!" -Serena Jade author of Tantra: The Sexual Meditation
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By AnonymSerena Jade
To be able to recognize your soul's mates, you are experiencing life on a very high spiritual level.They are a piece of Heaven on Earth...Now that is astronomical!"-Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
To be religious is to have an obligation to a particular religion, but to be truly spiritual is to have a commitment to your soul."-Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
To see a thoroughbred racehorse up close is to see a supreme example of a living piece of art."-Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
True equality of the sexes comes when a psychological unity of the masculine and feminine forces of one's own mind has been made.
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By AnonymSerena Jade
We can't get the power of will with a pill." -Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
We live in a Patriarchal society meaning the masculine side of our mind dominates our environment. That means both men and women are identified with their masculine rational logical mind."- Author Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
When we are addicted to an image; it is narcissistic.The image is all we care about, not the depth."-Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
When we are young and don't cultivate a healthy lifestyle, we will grow-older and our bodies will reflect the neglect."-Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
When we die...we fall asleep, and are immersed in a dream state.However,when we are born, the ideal is to come out of the dream state and into full-waking consciousness."-Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
Why should one think thay are okay mentally? Making a study of ourselves is the best solution to our society.Our minds are so complex and if we don't have an avenue to explore, we just cough it up as it is just who I am...However, it is just half of who you are, we need to find our other half and it is not in the form of another person."-Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
Work out your Body, Know your [whole]Mind/unite the Heart, and connect with your Soul."-Serena Jade
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By AnonymSerena Jade
You can't make someone a Soul Mate...either they are or they're not."-Serena Jade author of Charismatic Connection: The Authentic Soul Mate Experience