Best 312 quotes in «men and women quotes» category

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    Man and woman, love, what is it? A cork and a bottle.

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    I think this is very applicable to men and women - that they are looking for love in all the wrong places.

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    It's always the same - all men and women want to be sexy.

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    Jack London is a very generous description of my small hiking, bicycling, and canoeing habit. I myself feel like a weak urbanite a lot of the time, because lots of my friends are incredible outdoorsmen and women.

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    I like relationships on TV between men and women, when they're not just flirtatious and sexual.

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    McLaren started as the dream of one man, and it's since grown to encompass the hopes and dreams of more than 2000 men and women.

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    Men and women are but children of a larger growth.

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    Most men and women are forced to perform parts for which they have no qualification.

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    Russia is the only place where men and women can be free.

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    Really good shoes have to seduce both men and women.

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    The peoples furthest from civilization are the ones where equality between man and woman are furthest apart-and we consider this one of the signs of savagery.

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    The coyest maids make the fondest wives.

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    The forgotten men and women of America will be forgotten no longer.

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    The lives of great men and women are miracles of patience and perseverance.

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    There is a certain element of complementarity between men and women that is biological by nature.

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    There are men and women so lonely they believe God, too, is lonely.

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    There's nothing like mixing with women to bring out all the foolishness in a man of sense.

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    The revolution of equality between men and women has began, there is no going back

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    There's so much work in making movies, it's so easy to tear one down. When I watch a movie, even one that I don't particularly enjoy, I'm constantly impressed at the work that's in it. I respect the craftsmen and women. I tolerate a lot of movies that maybe other people don't, just because I know what goes into them.

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    The sacrament of marriage is based on a man and woman.

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    We became consumed with preparing to go on a deployment, going on the deployment, coming back, and getting ready to go again. We stopped sending young men and women to our professional military education when they should have gone. We stopped doing things like command climate surveys. We got sloppy with contracting oversight.

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    Topologically, men and women are identical. Some things are just larger and more developed in one than the other and positioned differently.

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    We arrange our lives-even the best and boldest men and women that exist, just as much as the most limited-with reference to what society conventionally rules and makes right.

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    Whenever men and women straighten their backs up, they are going somewhere, because a man can't ride your back unless it is bent

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    We undress men and women, we don't dress them any more.

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    We mortals, men and women, devour many a disappointment between breakfast and dinnertime.

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    What was money that it should make such dreadful things of men and women?

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    When a man becomes familiar with his goddess, she quickly sinks into a woman.

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    When you fight, anger drives up testosterone in both men and women.

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    You must learn to see men and perfect beings advancing to become complete.

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    Wherever there are men and women who have consecrated their lives to God, there you find joy.

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    A husband's interest in his wife's wardrobe will add to his understanding of her needs and desires as a woman; a wife's regard for her husband's preferences and judgment on how she looks add up to a happy marriage,

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    Ah, lust. It makes us forget anything we want to. The greatest relaxant, the greatest stimulant.

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    All men have a little badness in them,' she whispered. Milo looked at her. 'Sometimes, honey... a woman can be just as evil as a man.

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    A major theme among the women I treat is their difficulty in asking men to do this or that, to touch them in a certain way. Women are very tender with the male ego. They're afraid of offending their partner's pride because men like to think they know how to perform.

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    A man is always devoted to something more tangible than a woman - the idea of her.

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    A man who does not doubt the courage of a woman, is a man that is subjugated by her will and allure.

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    A man's center of gravity, the substance of his being, consists in what he has executed and performed in his life; the woman's, in what she is.

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    A man who loves beauty doesn't fall for the most beautiful women - he falls for the one who is ready to acquire beauty in love.

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    A man does what he can; a woman does what a man cannot.

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    A person who is another man's slave is better than one who is a slave to lust.

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    Ariel laughed and now her goose bumps had goose bumps.

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    A question that always makes me hazy is it me or are the others crazy' Albert Einstein

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    Apparently profanity had a way of making men listen.

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    As women, we are always taught never to let a man know of our affections towards him, lest he laugh, run away, or think that we are psycho. But what if that's not true? Have you ever stopped to think that? What if it's like there's a beautiful little bird in our hearts and we're too afraid to let anyone see it in there? What's wrong with letting anyone know that there's a bird in your chest? Maybe there are lots of wrong ones, but maybe there's one that's just for you— the one who won't laugh or run away when he sees that little bird. After all, it’s just a pretty bird!

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    At eleven, Kate woke Jake up when she went searching in the cooler for juice. "You know, you used to be peaceful," he grumbled. "I can't believe you were ever married." Kate said, as she cracked the can open. "What did you do, make her stand in the corner all the time?

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    As a young man, I was startled by the popularity of these “misogynistic” portrayals of women in literary works to begin with Nana, Miss Julie, Ulysses, Women, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf. Now, with some experience in life, I believe that it was fueled more by the true nature of men as arrogant, selfish, unfeeling swine in relationships with women rather than breaking down conventional idealization of women BS. If Circe is still alive, the continents would sink in the blue deep oceans under the weight of the pigs.

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    A society which sees her modesty or her "hang-ups" as a problem is necessarily a society which will not be able to get him to commit. Conversely, a society which respected modesty, or what now goes by "hang-ups", was one in which men were obligated.

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    Catherine on her relationship with Kenneth (and a great quote in the wake of International Women's Week - and remember this is written by a male author even if it's put in the mouth of a woman): 'And what did I do, only slip my hand inside his own and say that maybe he should hold my hand instead for a while, and I can see the look on his face even to this day. The shock and the desire. Oh, I loved the power I had over him! The power I could sense in myself! You won't understand this but it's something that every girl realizes at some point in her life, usually when she's around fiteen or sixteen. Maybe it's even younger now. That she has more power than every man in the room combined, because men are weak and governed by their desires and their desperate need for women but women are strong. I've always believed that if women could only collectively harness the power that they have then they'd rule the world. But they don't. I don't know why. And for all their weakness and stupidity, men are smart enough to know that being in charge counts for a lot. They have that over us at least.' (p. 561-562)

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    A woman brings so much more to the world than birth, for she can birth discovery, intelligence, invention, art, just as well as any man.